Exploring the experience of the Jewish people.

Bornblum Judaic Studies explores the experience of the Jewish people within the contexts of world cultures. Non-theological in its orientation, it provides students the opportunity to study the history of the Jewish people, the Hebrew language, the religious, intellectual and aesthetic traditions of the Jewish people, and structures and politics of Jewish communities.

In addition, to providing students with intensive study in one of the world's great intellectual traditions, a major or minor in Judaic Studies will also be useful to students who wish to teach, to pursue careers in social or communal services, to enter seminary, to prepare for graduate study in various fields, or to pursue international studies.


The mission of Bornblum Judaic Studies is to provide students with a knowledge of Judaica and to prepare students majoring in Judaic Studies for careers in Jewish education, Jewish community service, graduate studies, and other areas, as well as to pursue research programs contributing to a variety of areas of learning in Judaic studies.

Pictured above: By Gbecker248 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=29383273 (Old city from Mount of Olives)

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