Quarterly Weekend Maintenance Windows

Below is a listing of the weekend quarterly maintenance windows as approved by approved by the Enterprise Systems Advisory Committee.

Quarter Description of Date 2020 2021 2022
Q1 First weekend in January* 1//11, 1/12 1/9, 1/10 N/A
Q2 Second weekend in April 4/11, 4/12 4/10, 4/11 4/9, 4/10
Q3 The third weekend in July 7/18, 7/19 7/17, 7/18 7/16, 7/17
Q4 First weekend in October 10/3, 10/4 10/2, 10/3 10/1, 10/2

* If January 1st falls on a Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday then Q1 maintenance will be the first weekend of January; otherwise, it will fall on the second weekend of that month.

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