Letter Requests

If you are an F-1 visa-holding student, you may need confirmation letters during your stay in the United States.  These are the most common types of letters regularly requested by F-1 visa holding individuals:

Academic Plan Letters - available from professors or academic advisors only
Students who are required to submit an Academic Plan to the government in their home country in order to receive scholarship funding must obtain an academic plan letter. Students should contact their respective academic department. Within the department, the student's academic advisor can prepare an official letter detailing the student's academic plan and mandatory courses that need to be taken. 

Enrollment Verification Letters - available in the Registrar's Office
Students who need to confirm their enrollment in classes must obtain an enrollment verification letter from the Registrar's Office

CIES Letters: 

The following types of letters are available in the Center for International Education Services:

Social Security Number
First-time applicants for a social security number are required to provide a letter from their employer (hiring department) and their designated school official. 

Letter Request: SSN Support 

Address Proof for Drivers License and/or Bank Account
Students who need a letter for the Department of Motor Vehicles (driver's license office) or proof of address for opening a bank account are encouraged to complete this request form. 

Letter Requests: Address Proof

Letter of Invitation for Graduation/Visit
F-1 visa holders who wish to invite family to the United States for graduation or a visit must complete this form. 

Letter Request: Invitation 


Home Country Travel Reimbursement 
F-1 visa holders who need an official letter to apply for travel reimbursement from their home country. Please note: only students from countries that offer travel reimbursement will need to complete this form. 

Letter Request: Travel Reimbursement

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