Form I-94

The I-94 is a record of arrivals and departures for those traveling in and out of the United States. It also indicates how long the visitor is allowed to stay in the country. As an F-1 student, your I-94 must indicate your class of admission to be F-1 status and your admit unit date to be D/S. If this information is incorrect, you must contact ISS as soon as possible.

What do I need my Form I-94 for?

Your I-94 is required for the following:

  • Application for State ID or Driver’s License
  • I-9 Verification
  • USCIS applications
  • Federal applications and processes

You can access your Form I-94 from the official website, https://i94.cbp.dhs.gov/I94/#/home. Click “Get Most Recent I-94” and fill out the information needed.