About the International and Global Studies Program

The International and Global Studies program provides the opportunity to bring the knowledge of several traditional disciplines to bear upon a focal point of human relationships and problems that cross national and cultural boundaries.  Our program serves students seeking an understanding of the diverse national perspectives on the challenges confronting today's globalized society.

The program objectives are to:

  • (a) learn key issues of contention related to the international system;
  • (b) learn central cultural, economic, historical, and political concepts related to the study of the international system;
  • (c) demonstrate competency in at least one modern foreign language;
  • (d) be able to conduct and present scholarly research on international issues;
  • (e) complete at least one internationally-related experiential learning activity.

Students can choose a concentration in Global Studies or Area Studies.

Area Studies: Area studies students choose a region in which to specialize: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, or Middle East.

Global Studies: Global studies students gain functional expertise in one of the following areas of emphasis.

(1) Conflict, Peace, and Human Rights: includes the study of historical and contemporary causes and consequences of international conflict and peacekeeping efforts including armed and unarmed interventions and humanitarianism; covers cross-cultural understanding and universal human rights, ethnic and religious conflict, terrorism and counter-terrorism; explores the role of the United Nations, international law and diplomacy.

(2) Global Governance & Political Economy: explores the political impact of economic globalization, international trade, consumerism, international governmental organizations (UN, World Bank) and international law; global civil society, international courts; state sovereignty.

(3) International Development & Environmental Sustainability: theories and impacts of development; economic and human development; international development organizations and NGOs; environmental change and sustainability; natural resource use and management; considers challenges to improving quality of life without compromising the availability of future generations to meet their own needs; global population studies.

(4) Global Health & Ethics: Considers health and wellbeing across the world's population, including cross-cultural understandings of health, illness, and treatment; international health organizations; global epidemics; bioemedical ethics; human rights and ethics related to health and wellness.

(5) Global Communication, Administration & Management: study of global technological change and connectedness, international media and communication; international business and nonprofit management; international marketing and global hospitality.

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