Materials Day Schedule (tentative)

Friday, October 18, 2024

Location: FedEx Institute of Technology Lobby, Methodist Presentation Theatre

  • Registration and Check-in: 8 – 8:30 AM
  • Breakfast: 8 – 8:45 AM
  • Opening Remarks: 8:30–8:40 AM
  • Morning Session: Oral Presentations (Physics and Chemistry of Nanomaterials): 8:45 AM – NOON
  • Lunch at Methodist Lobby FIT: NOON-1:10 PM
  • Poster Session: 9 AM -1:10 PM
  • Afternoon Session: Oral Presentations (Biomaterials and Bioengineering): 1:15  – 4 PM
  • Poster Presentation and Refreshment: 3:30 -5 PM

Morning Session: Physics and Chemistry of Materials (8:30 AM-NOON)

  • 8:30-8:45 AM: Opening Remarks

  • 8:45  -9:15 AM: (Keynote Speaker, Dr. Shawn Pollard, Department of Physics and Materials Science, UofM
  • "Thin film engineering for the design and manipulation of magnetic solitons"
  • 9:15  - 9:30 AM: (Mitchell Lee Taylor, Chemistry, UofM)
    "Single Vesicle Surface Protein Profiling and Machine Learning-Based Dual Image Analysis for Breast Cancer Detection"

  • 9:30 - 9:45 AM: (Ravi Kumar, Mechanical Engineering, UofM)
    Configurational entropy and metastable states of finite clusters in 2D dusty plasma

  • 9:45 - 10 AM: (Justin Brutger, Department of Physics and Materials Science, UofM)
    "Entropy production during Filament formation in ECM Memristors"

  • 10 -10:15 AM: (Alisha Dhakal, Department of Physics and Materials Science, UofM.):
    "Enhanced Electrochemical Performance of LaMnO3-Co3O4 nanocomposite for Energy Storage"

  • 10:15-10:30 AM: (Jolaikha Sultana, Department of Physics and Materials Science, UofM.):
    "Structural, Magnetic, and Magnetocaloric effects in Al doped HoCrO3 orthochromite compounds"

  • 10:30 - 10:45 AM: (Zuhanee Khan, Mechanical Engineering. UofM)
    "Exploring heat treatment as an alternative to hot isostatic pressing in Laser powder bed fused Ti-6Al-4V"

  • 10:45 - 11 AM: (Himal Pokhrel, Department of Physics and Materials Science, UofM.):
    "Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition: An introduction"

  • 11 - 11:15 AM: (Liyan Jacob, Department of Physics and Materials Science, UofM.)
     "Effects of Temperature Cycling on Py/Gd Ferrimagnetic Multilayers". 

  • 11:15 - 11:30 AM: (Dr. Harish Chandra Kaushik, Mechanical Engineering, UofM.):
    “Laser-powder bed fusion of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.08Si (Ti-6242) alloy: process-microstructure-properties relationship “

  • 11:30 - 11:45 AM : (Mrittika Roy, Mechanical Engineering, UofM.):
    Mutual neutralization in mono-atomic ion pairs in finite gas pressure using Landau-Zener theory trajectory simulation”

  • 11:45 AM -NOON: (Yagya Bahadur Woli, Department of Physics and Materials Science, UofM.):
    “Plasmon-assisted Random lasing of Perovskite Materials”

Lunch Break: NOON-1:10 PM- FIT Methodist Lobby

Afternoon Session: Biomaterials and Bioengineering, 1:15-4:00PM

  • 1:15 -1:45 PM: (Invited Industry Talk,  Mark Morrison, Sr. Director, Smith and Nephew Inc.):
    The Use of Additive Manufacturing in the Medical-Device Industry”

  • 1:45 -2:15 PM: (Keynote Speaker, Dr. Yuan Gao, Mechanical Engineering):
    "Acoustic Bubbles in Microfluidic Systems: A Versatile Tool for Biomedical Applications"

  • 2:15 -2:30 PM: (Alexandra Snyder, Biomedical Engineering, UofM.):
    Modulating mechanical Properties and immune response in Near-field electrospun Bioresorbable vascular grafts

  • 2:30 -2:45 PM: (Professor Car Herickhoff, Biomedical Engineering, UofM):
    "Ultrasound imaging Enabled by piezoelectric materials"

  • 2:45 -3:00 PM: (Evan Main, Biomedical Engineering, UofM.)
    "Examining primary driving factors in manuka honeys ability to downregulate neutrophil inflammatory response to biomaterials"

  • 3 -3:15 PM: (Haosheng Wen, Graduate Research fellow, U of Chicago) ):
    "Rationally engineered PCDH15 proteins restore hearing in USH1F mouse models"

  • 3:15 -3:30 PM:(Josh Bush, Graduate Student, Biomedical Engineering, UofM.)::
    “Natural Polymer Biomaterials Solving Real World Problems."

  • 3:30 -3:45 PM: (Azim Farhan, Department of Physics and Materials Science):
    "Analysis of free radical concentration in Gamm-irradiated vitamin E mixed UHMPWE at room temperature"

  • 3:45 -4:00PM: (Hossain Shadman, Department of Chemistry)
    “Characterizing conformational ensembles of human intrinsically disordered proteome”

  • 4-4:15 PM:  Concluding Remark
  • 9-5:00 PM- Poster Session (FIT Methodist Lobby).
  • 5 PM: Event Ends.

Poster Presentation

Martina Rodriguez Sala:  (Department of Physics and Materials Science, UofM)

Optimal Structural and Physical Properties of Aerogels for Promoting Robust Neurite Extension in vitro

Tamanna Ferdous (Department of Chemistry, UofM)

Structural analysis of Zn-curcumin complex for its localized release via bioprintable hydrogels

Adeline Nordmore: (Biomedical Engineering, UofM)

Mechanical Characterization of Touch Spun Manuka Honey Infused Small-Diameter Vascular Grafts

Rabeta Yeasmin: (Biomedical Engineering, UofM)

Decanoyl-modified electrospun chitosan membranes loaded with 2-decenoic acid analogs inhibit S. aureus

Jordan Darling: (Department of Physics and Materials Science, UofM)
Lipid Membrane Interactions with Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles

Brittney Preyer: (Biology, LeMoyen Owen College, Memphis)

Synthesis and Characterization of TiO2 Thin Films via Sol-Gel Spin Coating Technique

Haosheng Wen: (Graduate Research Fellow, Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, U Chicago)

Novel Multi-Phase Transitions in a System of Soft Vesicle Enclosing Environment-Sensitive Self-Propelled particles

Yu Zhu: (Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Purdue University)

Liposomes-Induced Nanostar Self-Assemblies of Spherical Nanoparticles

Debendra Timsina (Graduate Student, Department of Physics and Materials Science, UofM)

'Effect of Argon Plasma- Induced Buckling on Coercivity of Permalloy Thin Films on PDMS'

Afsana Sharmin (Graduate Student, Department of Physics and Materials Science, UofM)

Radiation-Induced Free Radicals in UHMWPE: A Comprehensive Study for a Period of 25 Years".

Materials Day at the University of Memphis is a premier event for materials-related interdisciplinary science and engineering. We hope to see you on October 18, 2024.

  • Invited Speakers
  • Oral Presentations
  • Poster Presentations
  • Interaction with Researchers
  • Interaction with Industry representatives

Deadline to register: October 7


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