Bright-field and Dissecting Microscopes
Nikon E200 LED Binocular Microscope
LED illumination
1.25 na Abbe Condenser
Plan Achromat 4x, 10x, 20x (NA 0.4, WD 1. 3mm) and 40x
10x eyepieces
Right hand mechanical stage
Nikon Eclipse TS100 Binocular Inverted Microscope
For observation of live cells in tissue culture dishes
10x occulars
Phase contrast objectives 4x, 10x and 20x
American Optical Stereomicroscope
Equipped with camera stand and fiber optics light source
Magnification Range: 0.7x to 3x
Nikon Stereomicroscope
Magnification Range: 0.66x to 4x