PI: Trey Martindale

Teachers Learning in Networked Communities (TLINC) seeks to develop novice teachers' reflective practice in a professional community. TLINC is a free online social and professional networking community for teachers. It is supported by very generous grant funding and is completely non-commercial. TLINC meets real needs for social and professional support among new and experienced educators. TLINC is like "Facebook for teachers". Teachers can create a classroom for their students (which is safe and secure), collaborate with teachers all over the world, be a mentor, find a mentor, and talk about real issues that affect their job performance. TLINC partners include the University of Memphis, the University of Colorado at Denver, the University of Washington, and the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future (NCTAF).

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Past Funding:

  • TLINC: Teachers Linked in Networked Communities. Funding Agency: Microsoft Corporation. $200,000.

Selected Publications:

  • Silberstein, E., Martindale, T., & Young, D. (2007). Online learning communities: Supportive and challenging professional development for teachers. Presented at the National Educational Computing Conference, Atlanta, GA, June 26, 2007.