
Article I: Name 

The name of this organization shall be the International Faculty and Staff Association (IFSA). 

Article II: Purpose 

  • The purpose of IFSA is to provide a supportive network for international faculty and staff at the University of Memphis. We are committed to: 
  • Welcoming new and prospective international faculty and staff and connecting them with colleagues from diverse cultural, ethnic, racial, and educational backgrounds. 
  • Listening to the needs of international faculty and staff and providing relevant resources. 
  • Offering a forum for discussions on teaching, professional development, research, mentoring, wellness, and integration to the UofM community. 
  • Organizing social gatherings and cultural events several times a year. 

Article III: Membership 

Membership in IFSA is open to all UofM employees who support the Association's mission. Potential members must complete the membership and/or interest form. 

Article IV: Officers 

The officers of IFSA shall be the president, vice president, secretary, communications officers, and other roles as needed. The officers shall be elected by the members at the annual meeting. 

Article V: Meetings 

The annual meeting of IFSA shall be held in the Spring semester. The board of directors may call special meetings as needed. 

Article VI: Amendments 

These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members at any regular or special meeting. 

Board of Directors 

The board of directors shall consist of the officers of IFSA, and three additional members elected by the members. The board of directors shall meet quarterly to discuss the activities of IFSA and to make decisions on behalf of the organization. 


IFSA may establish committees to carry out the work of the organization. Committees shall be appointed by the board of directors. 


IFSA may raise funds through grant submissions, membership dues?, donations, and other activities. All funds raised by IFSA shall be used to support the organization's mission. 

Dispute Resolution 

Any disputes arising out of the interpretation or application of these by-laws shall be resolved by the board of directors. 

Effective Date 

These by-laws shall take effect immediately upon adoption by the members of IFSA.