F-1 Transfer In

Transfer In Application

To transfer to the University of Memphis, you must first notify your current school's DSO of your intent to transfer and provide him with the following: 

F-1 Transfer Out

Please click on the button below to start the process to transfer to another U.S. SEVIS-approved institution:

Transfer Out Application


To transfer to another U.S. institution that can accept SEVIS records, you must first notify your DSO at the International Student Services (ISS) office of your intent to transfer and provide your international advisor with the following:

  • Written confirmation of the acceptance to the new school.
  • Written request/permission to begin the transfer on a specific date.
  • SEVIS school code for the transfer-to school.
  • Contact information for the new school's DSO.

The iSS office will work with you and the DSO at your new school, to choose a transfer release date. This date is when the DSO at your transfer-in school takes responsibility for your SEVIS record. Several factors go into selecting this date:

  • Academic needs
  • Travel and employment plans
  • Projected start date of your new program
  • Use of OPT - which can be prematurely cancelled if the student changes to a new school in SEVIS.  This will end the employment authorization, even if the dates on the EAD/OPT card appear valid.

Once your transfer release date arrives, the ISS office will not have access to your SEVIS record, and your new DSO can create a new Form I-20 for you. It is important to get a new Form I-20 (signed by your new DSO and you) as soon as possible. To maintain your status, register for classes and contact your new DSO within 15 days of the program start date listed on your new Form I-20.

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