Special Education

Teacher in front of classroom

The Special Education Program at the University of Memphis is designed to facilitate the development of professional practitioners and leaders with skills specific to meeting the diverse needs of individuals with exceptionalities. Special Education programs include both educator preparation and continuing education opportunities. Additionally, advanced terminal degrees are offered for those seeking leadership roles in this field.

Teacher licensure in Special Education is offered in one of two concentration areas. Those seeking to teach students with learning disabilities may seek a license in Modified Special Education. Those seeking to teach students with intellectual disabilities may seek licensure in Comprehensive Special Education. 

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Where We Can Take You

There is an extreme shortage of licensed special educators in the field today. Students graduating from the Special Education Program at the University of Memphis are highly sought after and typically have little problem securing teaching positions in area schools.

Students who graduate from our Special Education degree programs will find themselves well-prepared for a variety of careers in the field of disability services, especially teaching. State licensed preK-12 teachers typically deliver special education curricula in public and private schools, and many take on school leadership roles. There are also careers available in the technical support and adult service fields. For students interested in career choices in supervision or higher education, the advanced masters and doctoral programs will provide the stepping stones for such undertakings.

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Program Mission

The Special Education program's mission values the preparation of Educational Leaders who demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the learning process, skill in instructional planning and delivery, and a disposition to create dynamic learning environments that incorporate multicultural knowledge into instructional design and delivery. The primary goal of teacher education programs in the Department of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership is to prepare educational leaders who will, through knowledge, skills and disposition, conduct themselves in ways that command respect for themselves and the profession and inspire others to take positive action. Similarly, the Special Education teacher education program is designed to prepare educational leaders who are able to maximize the development and learning of individuals with diverse and exceptional needs in a variety of multicultural program settings.

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