School Library Information Specialist

Today's Librarian Thinks Within and Beyond the Stacks

Be part of a vast world of information, creativity, technology, knowledge, places and possibilities. Within the School Library Information Specialist Program at the University of Memphis, you can receive your master's or graduate certificate and earn certification needed to work as K-12 School Librarian.





Learn more about SLIS


Program Enrollment Information

Any undergraduate degree is acceptable for admission into the program. The program is designed for those people who want to become school library media specialists. It may or may not be acceptable for public library, or other library positions.

Enrollment can occur at the beginning of any semester. However, to be officially admitted to the ICL M.S. degree program, students must apply and submit documents via Graduate Admissions.

Please note: Students can earn up to 12 hours (four 3-hour courses) in non-degree status. These hours can be transferred into your degree program once officially admitted. It is recommended that students take the two SLIS courses offered each semester.  This will allow students to finish with all required core SLIS courses, including the Practicum (which must be conducted as the final semester), in a year-and-a-half.

There are specific deadlines and requirements for notifying of intent to conduct the Practicum. The applications, requirements and additional information can be found at The Office of Teacher Education and Clinical Practice. Also, the prospective Library Practicum participant must successfully pass the 5311 Praxis exam prior to the Practicum field experience.

There is no minimum course load; however it is recommended that students take two courses per semester. Please consult the entire course rotation for proper planning.

When registering for the SLIS classes, be sure to register in the M50-designated online course sections. These M50 courses incur online fees and affects the out-of-state tuition. If you have questions about the fees and tuition cost, please contact the Office of the Registrar. Also, all M50 courses require a special permit to insure that program enrollees are provided with appropriate course registration opportunity.

Steps in the Admission Process

  • Visit the ICL Admissions page for questions about admissions to the Graduate School and the ICL Department. 
  • Apply to:
    • Master of Science (MS) Degree
    • Concentration in Instruction and Curriculum and an endorsement in School Library Information Specialist.


  • If you are not seeking a Master's degree, you should enroll as non-degree seeking. Up to 12 credit hours (four courses) earned as non-degree status can be transferred to a MS degree.
  • Credit hours earned more than six years prior to enrolling cannot be applied towards the program.
  • The ICL Academic Services Associate can answer ICL Masters' program and credit transfer questions.
  • Please see Graduate Admissions to learn more on all other admissions information.
  • For fees and tuition visit the University Student and Business Services.

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