World Languages MAT
The World Languages master's program leads to a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree and a Tennessee license to teach.
MAT candidates must apply for admission to TEP before the end of the second semester and fulfill all TEP requirements. Candidates must have a 3.0 graduate GPA to be admitted to TEP and maintain a 3.0 GPA while in the graduate program. Candidates must pass Praxis II exams to be licensed to teach in Tennessee. For information on registration, costs, and more, visit the Educational Testing Service and use the dropdown menu to find the correct required exams. Job Embedded Practitioner (JEP) License candidates can visit our JEP site for more information or contact Mary Lanier, our license and certification specialist.
For the Educative Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA), all candidates obtaining a MAT and TN Teaching License must complete The Professional Seminar (ICL 7993). Each candidate must also complete and pass a nationally scored teacher performance assessment. You are only required to submit the edTPA portfolio if you are enrolled in ICL 7808. Job-embedded teacher candidates are not required to submit the edTPA.
For additional information, please contact MAT advisor Paris Samuels.
Degree Timeline
Suggested Course Sequence for Fall I Semester (6 Hours)
- SPED 7000 - Introduction to Exceptional Learners**
- ICL 7030 - Models of Instruction**
- Begin studying/preparing for your Praxis content exam:
- Access Praxis resources here.
Suggested Course Sequence for Spring I Semester (6 Hours)
- EDPR 7117 - Life-Span Human Development
- EDPR 7521 - Introduction to Educational Research
- Continue Praxis support and studying.
- Continue to take your Praxis II content exam(s) if not already passed.
- Apply for TEP Admissions.
- If you are not admitted to TEP, you will not be able to continue Level 2 coursework.
Suggested Course Sequence for Summer I Semester (3 Hours)
- IDT 7061 - Instructional Design and Education Technology
- Continue Praxis support and studying.
- Continue to take your Praxis II content exam(s) if not already passed.
- Apply for TEP Admissions.
- If you are not admitted to TEP, you will not be able to continue Level 2 coursework.
Courses with asterisks (**) have clinical/field hours connected to them. You will be expected to visit a school to complete these hours. Your course instructor will share the number of hours to be completed with you.
Suggested Course Sequence for Fall II Semester (6 Hours)
- LITL 7545 - Teaching Reading Subject Areas**
- ICL 7174 - Specialized Methods for Foreign Language Education**
- Complete Clinical Teaching application
Suggested Course Sequence for Spring II Semester (6-9 Hours)
NOTE: Candidates currently teaching on a Job Embedded Practitioner License will need to select only TWO electives:
- LING 7101 - Introduction to Linguistics I
- LING 7174 - Special Method/Language Education
- ECED 7100 - Foundation/Early Childhood Education**
- Complete Clinical Teaching application
Courses with asterisks (**) have clinical/field hours connected to them. You will be expected to visit a school to complete these hours. Your course instructor will share the number of hours to be completed with you.
Suggested Course Sequence for Fall III - Clinical Teaching Candidates (9 Hours)
- ICL 7808 - The Clinical Teaching Semester
- ICL 7993 - Professional Seminar (REQUIRED)
Suggested Course Sequence for Fall III - Job Embedded Candidates (3 Hours)
- ICL 7992 - Master's Project
- Candidates should have all courses completed and passed:
- Praxis 5135 (Art: Content and Analysis K-12) completed prior to enrolling in Level 3 courses
- Candidates who plan to graduate must apply for graduation at the beginning of the semester through their myMemphis portal. (Visit The University of Memphis Commencement Office for more information)
- An application is required one (1) semester prior to The Clinical Teaching Semester - ICL 7808.
- All clinical teaching candidates must take the Professional Seminar to obtain licensure - ICL 7993.
- No other courses may be taken with the clinical teaching semester and/or the ICL 7993 Professional Seminar or 7992 Master's Project classes.
- Candidates who have an active Job Embedded Practitioner License will be exempt from submitting the edTPA.
Total Hours:
Clinical Teaching Candidates: 42
Job Embedded Practitioner Candidates: 30