Instruction and Curriculum EdD

The EdD in Instruction and Curriculum has been identified as one of the top online doctorate programs in educational leadership. The primary purposes of this 100% online doctoral programs are to prepare candidates for positions as teacher educators and researchers in colleges and universities or produce experts in research and development who can lead initiatives to analyze, implement, and evaluate instructional materials and learning environments.


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  • Admission to the Graduate School and admission to a specific ICL graduate program are separate procedures. Applicants must submit the following admissions information:

    • Application to the Graduate School that includes:

      • Official Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score (verbal, quantitative, and writing)

      • Official transcripts of undergraduate and graduate study

      • Applicants who are not native speakers of English and are not graduates of The University of Memphis must supply a minimum score of 550 on the paper, a 210 on the computer-based, or 79 on the internet based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

      • Two letters of recommendation from people familiar with the applicant’s academic background and aptitude for graduate work, specifying in detail the applicant’s capabilities for doctoral study and for future performance and scholarship. At least one letter from a college/university professor is preferred.

      • A written statement of 500 to 1000 words (maximum) indicating the intended area of focus in the doctoral program and the applicant’s present interests and career goals.Interviews with two faculty members (one from the student’s area of interest) that must be completed prior to the College deadlines. The doctoral application file must be completed before an interview will be scheduled. Submit the Department of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership application to the Graduate Analyst in Ball Hall 215 (3798 Walker Ave, Memphis, TN 38152).

      • Each student’s file will be evaluated prior to full admission to the Department of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership. Only those files that are completed by the admission deadline will be considered. All application information must be received by February 1 for summer semesters, April 1 for fall semesters, and October 1 for the spring semester with the exception of applications for the EdD in the Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) program area, which has a summer admission only with a February 15 deadline.

    • The above criteria represent the minimum acceptable admission requirements. Depending on the applicant’s educational background, the graduate committee may require additional coursework to prepare the student for doctoral studies.

Program Requirements

Students who have not completed at least six semester hours of graduate level mode one course work in cultural, historical, or psychological foundations of education, must complete those hours during the first year of enrollment in the doctoral program. These prerequisites will not be counted toward the degree.

A minimum total of 54 hours post masters hours.

The major will consist of 42-45, with 9-12 hours of dissertation credit (ICL 9000) and 3-6 hours of doctoral seminar (ICL 8995).

The research requirement will consist of courses directed toward research and/or statistical techniques and procedures necessary for the discipline and the dissertation topic.

Approved transfer credit or post-master's courses may be accepted for not more than 12 semester hours.

Completion of the college and university residency requirements. Additional information pertaining to the major and concentration areas may be secured from the Chair of Graduate Coordinator of the Department of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership.

Residency Purpose

The purpose of residency is to provide the doctoral student with significant time for sustained contact with faculty members. An expected outcome is the acquisition of skills of inquiry, and opportunity for research, and the incorporation of professional values in to the experience that the student brings to graduate school. Also, it facilitates the creation of a cohesive climate in which inquiry becomes the linking feature of the graduate student experience. In short, residency is expected to be a vehicle for socialization into the shared community of professional life. At the heart of the community lies a commitment to sustained inquiry that extends beyond the period of doctoral preparation and into the students lifetime work, either as a practitioner or as one who demonstrates leadership based on a foundation of inquiry.

Residency Policies

A doctoral student must select one of the following course enrollment options:

  • The student will maintain two semesters of continuous enrollment of 9 hours per semester. The enrollment requirement may be satisfied by enrolling in fall, spring, and summer semesters.
  • Three semesters of continuous enrollment per semester during two consecutive summers and at least 3 hours per semester during the intervening fall and spring semesters.
  • Nine hours of enrollment per semester during two consecutive summers and at least 3 hours per semester during intervening fall and spring semesters.
  • A plan of residency will be developed by the student and major professor. The plan will be developed by the student and major professor. The plan will be reviewed by the department.

Residency Timetable

Prior to beginning residency, the written plan must be filed. The plan must have the approval signatures of the chair of the candidate's program advisory committee and of the department chair. It must be submitted to the department office of the candidate's major for approval no later than the last day of graduate registration in the semester designated to count as residency. Students are expected to have satisfied requirements for admission to the doctoral program before filing a residency plan.

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