STEM Teacher Leadership Graduate Certificate

The Department of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership is proud to offer a Graduate Certificate in STEM Teacher Leadership. The goal of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Teacher Leadership coursework is to develop the knowledge and skills of secondary mathematics and science teachers who are currently teaching in local area schools. The coursework is designed to promote in-depth understanding of current standards and instructional practices with a particular focus on building teacher leaders in STEM education. Designed as a professional learning opportunity for in-service teachers, the coursework reflects the research-based characteristics of effective professional development. In particular, the professional development is sustained and long-term; involves active learning; is content-focused; and is tied to the local teaching context.

Key features of the coursework include:
• Focus on equity and opportunity to learn in urban schools
• Opportunities to deepen pedagogical content knowledge in STEM disciplines (including knowledge of content and students; knowledge of content and curriculum; knowledge of content and teaching)
• Attention to models of STEM professional development and opportunities to design and deliver professional development to peers.

As a result of completing the coursework, participants could expect to be better equipped for greater effectiveness in the classroom and better prepared to take on roles as teacher leaders within their schools.

Program Admissions

Students interested in receiving a Certificate in STEM Teacher Leadership must hold a current teaching license. The courses may be completed as part of a degree program with the advisor's approval.

To be admitted students should apply to the Graduate School as a Master's Degree seeking applicant. Under 'Planned Course of Study' the student should select 'STEM Teacher Leadership CERT'.

Program Requirements

A total of 4 courses are required for the certificate:

ICL 7720/8720 STEM Curriculum Leadership
ICL 7721/8721 Seminar in STEM Teacher Development
ICL 7722/8722 Teaching and Learning in STEM Classrooms
ICL 7723/8723 Equity in STEM Education

Contact Us

Graduate Office: 901-678-4861


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