Literacy (M.S.)

Major: Instruction and Curriculum Leadership

Concentration: Literacy (formerly Reading)

Degree: MS

Admission: See Admission page and MS Checklist


The Department of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership is proud to offer an Online Masters of Science in Literacy and Language (formerly Reading). This program offers an in-depth theoretical and pedagogical understanding of literacy practices, assessment, and policies. By working closely with qualified faculty you can earn a degree that will enhance your ability to influence the profession of literacy and ultimately positively affect the lives of children.

The program prepares graduates for positions as:

  • Literacy Coaches
  • Lead Teachers
  • Literacy Specialists
  • Curriculum Coordinators

You may complete this degree online; no trips to campus are required. Our College of Education is accredited by NCATE (National Counsel of Accreditation in Teacher Education) and aligned with the International Literacy Association standards. The faculty from the online Masters in Literacy program has the desire and expertise to work with students with diverse experiences and specialties.

The online literacy program is flexible and convenient for classroom teachers or other full time professionals who have multiple responsibilities, yet are motivated to advance their education.

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