
Laurie MacGillivray


(901) 678-1463
Ball Hall 416B
Office Hours

About Dr. MacGillivray

Laurie MacGillivray is a professor in the Department for Instruction, Curriculum and Leadership at the University of Memphis. Her research over the past dozen years has focused on literacy practices in and out of schools in urban areas. She has worked with elementary children in traditional and multiage classrooms, the families of these ethnically diverse students, first generation Latina teachers and other school-based educators, multiethnic teen-agers, and mothers and children living in homeless shelters. By examining literacy from these multiple perspectives, she has been seeking to improve education in urban schools.

She recently edited a volume entitled, "Literacy in Times of Crisis: Perspectives and Practices." Her work on the literacy practices of families who are homeless has been published in The Reading Teacher and Urban Education. She has published in other top journals including Journal of Literacy Research, Journal of Latinos in Education, and Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. She has also published her own teacher research in journals such as Curriculum Theory, Teacher Education Quarterly, and Action in Teacher Education. She is a currently on the review board of The Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy and The Reading Teacher.


Teaching Certificate Lifetime Texas Elementary (Grades 1-8) General - -
Bachelor of Arts Major: English and Psychology - Rice University, Houston, TX - 1986 Cum Laude
Masters of Arts Major: Elementary Education - Austin College, Sherman, TX - 1987
Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction Major: Reading/Language Arts - University of Houston, Houston, TX - 1992

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