William Hunter


PHONE: (901) 678-3078
EMAIL: wchunter@memphis.edu
OFFICE: 424C Ball Hall

About Dr. Hunter

Dr. Hunter is a Professor of Special Education at the University of Memphis. Prior to working in higher education, Dr. Hunter worked as an administrator, special education teacher, and children's mental health intervention specialist in several school districts in Ohio and Kentucky. His research interests include classroom management strategies, evidenced based instructional practices in inclusive and self-contained classrooms, positive behavior supports, and culturally responsive teaching. Dr. Hunter has served as PI or Co-PI on projects funded by the State of Tennessee and the U.S. Department of Education. A frequent presenter at national conferences, Dr. Hunter has published articles in numerous publications, including the Journal of International Special Needs Education, Journal of Evidence-Based Practices for Schools and Beyond Behavior. He received his EdD in Special Education from the University of Cincinnati.


Ed.D. Special Education - University of Cincinnati - 2011
M.A.T. Special Education - Northern Kentucky University - 2006
B.A. History - University of Cincinnati - 1998

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