Beverly Cross

Holder of the Chair Excellence

(901) 678-4965


About Dr. Cross

Dr. Beverly Cross serves as the Lillian and Morrie Moss Chair of Excellence in Urban Education at the University of Memphis. In this role, she provides leadership in the College of Education's mission to enhance educational success for urban learners. She came to the U of M from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where she was an associate professor of curriculum theory and urban education. Before teaching at the university level, she taught public high school and worked in state education.

Dr. Cross is nationally recognized for her record of teaching, research, scholarship and service in urban education. She has conducted research in the areas of teacher diversity, urban education, multicultural and anti-racist education and curriculum theory, and she has written frequently on urban education, particularly issues of race, class, and culture in urban schools and achievement. Her research has appeared in such publications as the Theory into Practice, Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, Education Leadership, the International Journal of Educational Reform and the Urban Review. Her work has been funded by the Memphis Housing Authority and The Urban Child Institute.

She earned her Doctorate in Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development from The Ohio State University.


PhD, The Ohio State University, 1992

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