University of Memphis Center for Literacy Research and Practice

The University of Memphis Center for Literacy Research and Practice is housed/supported by The Department of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership > within the College of Education >.

Center Goals/Mission Statement

The mission of the University of Memphis Center for Literacy Research and Practice is to enrich the literacy practices of residents in the Mid-South with an emphasis on justice, equity, culture and social and emotional growth. The Center creates multi-age literacy events, in which UofM students encourage reading and writing within families, schools and communities.

The goal of the Center is three-pronged:

  • Develop K-12 students' confidence in themselves as readers and writers
  • Educate UofM students in how to work effectively in K-12 and community settings
  • Provide UofM graduate students an opportunity to conduct and disseminate research.

Spreading the Word

The UofM Center for Literacy Research and Practice has been featured in Literacy Today, a magazine that reaches International Literacy Association members in more than 24 countries. Dean Hill-Clarke says of the publication, "The UofM COE Literacy faculty and doctoral students are engaged in groundbreaking, equity-focused and impactful work aligned with the vision and core values of our University and College!" Read the feature here >.

"Writing club for me has been really great. The continuous engagement with the mentees kept me on my toes. Having new fresh faces and seeing their excitement each class session was so inspiring. I always knew the importance of modeling works for students, but this experience was different because in the same setting I was the student and the mentor." - Andrea Taber

"I love the writing club because it gives me the spirit of writing." - 5th grade Writing Club Member at Magnolia Elementary School Memphis, TN 

"I am very glad I spent my last semester in the writing club because I was able to meet new writers and grow as a writer with them." - UofM Senior and Writing Club Mentor

Director: Dr. Laurie MacGillivray
Graduate Assistant: Sarah Langley
Literacy Center Email Address: literacycenter@memphis.edu