Autism Online Certificate

The online Autism Certificate Program at The University of Memphis is designed to equip students with the tools necessary to successfully work with children with autism and deal with the unique challenges and rewards associated with the disorder. This four-course certificate can be completed over one summer (two first-term classes; two second-term classes) and will present an introduction to autism spectrum disorder, discuss working in a variety of settings and with a variety of parents and professionals, identify strategies for effectively managing a classroom with students with autism, and cover a variety of evidence-based methods for providing both academic and behavioral instruction. Specific focus will be placed on dealing with inappropriate behaviors and teaching functional communication skills.

Program Admission

To be admitted, students should apply to the Graduate School as a Master's degree-seeking applicant. Under 'Planned Course of Study,' the student should select 'Autism Studies CERT.'

There is no separate application for the Autism Certificate Program. The applicant must complete and submit only this application.

Certification Coordinator

Dr. Laura Casey
Laura Casey, BCBA
Professor, Applied Behavioral Analysis
PhD, Mississippi State University
Email | 901.678.1160

Dr. James Meindl

James Meindl, BCBA
 Professor, Applied Behavior Analysis
 PhD, Ohio State University
 Email | 901.678.3310


Contact for general questions on the program Email | 901.678.4861 

Program Requirements

The following courses will be part of the certificate.

  • SPED 7600 - Intro to Aut Spec Dis
    This course will provide an overview of autism spectrum disorders from the diagnosis and early intervention phase to working with families, therapists, and staff in both educational and community settings. The course will be grounded in research-based theory and will assist with the learner with evidence-based decision making from a practical standpoint. Legal and ethical issues will be discussed related to diagnosis, treatment selections, and working effectively with families.
  • SPED 7601 - ASD: Class Mgmt and Design
    This course will introduce evidence based methods of instruction specific to teaching academic and social skills to children with autism. Additionally, this course will focus on distinguishing between evidence-based and unsupported but common strategies in treatment of autism. Common unsupported strategies will be discussed.
  • SPED 7602 - ASD: Instruct Methods I
    This course will introduce methods of instruction specific to facilitating communication for students with autism. Additionally, this course will focus on assistive technologies related to the academic instruction, communication (AAC) and behavior modification of students with autism. Course content will emphasis data driven instructional practice, manual and technology-based data acquisition practices, data presentation and using data to drive instructional practice.
  • SPED 7603 - ASD: Instruct Methods II
    This course will introduce common behavior management strategies shown to be effective for children with autism. These strategies will focus on both individual and group contingencies. Further, this course will discuss functional behavior assessment interpretation and treatment design, as well as data collection methods.