West Wing
Triumph scene (H6, Plate 17 in OIP 107)
Gateways (H11, Plate 19 in OIP 107)
Assault on Kadesh (H2, Plate 23 in OIP 107)
Attack upon the Libyans (H3, Plate 28 in OIP 107)
King slays Libyan chief (H3a, Plate 29 in OIP 107)
Return to Egypt (H4, Plate 31 in OIP 107)
Presenting booty (H5, Plate 32 in OIP 107)
Hittite campaign (H7, Plate 34 in OIP 107)
Return to Egypt (H8, Plate 35 in OIP 107)
Presenting booty (H9, Plate 36 in OIP 107)