Bibliography on the Karnak Hypostyle Hall 

Bibliography on the Karnak Hypostyle Hall

Barguet, Paul
1962 Le Temple d'Amon Re à Karnak. Cairo: Institut Français l'Archeologie Orientale.

Bell, Lanny
1985 "Luxor Temple and the Cult of the Royal Ka." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 44: 251-294. PDF hosted by JSTOR

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Brand, Peter J.
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2000 The Monuments of Seti I: Epigraphic, Historical and Art-Historical Analysis. Leiden: E. J. Brill. PDF

2001a "Rescue Epigraphy in the Hypostyle Hall," a postscript to "A Forest of Columns" The Karnak Great Hypostyle Hall Project," by William J. Murnane†, KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt. Vol. 12, No. 3: 59.

2001b "Rescue Epigraphy in the Karnak Hypostyle Hall," Egyptian Archaeology 19: 11-13.

2001c "Repairs Ancient and Modern in the Great Hypostyle Hall at Karnak." Bulletin of the American Research Center in Egypt No. 180 1 and 3-6 .

2004 "Review of Vincent Rondot, The Great Hypostyle Hall at Karnak: Les architraves. 2 vols, (Paris, 1997)," Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 88: 267-269.

Breasted, James Henry
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Chevrier, Henri                                                                                                       1957 "Chronologie des Constructions de la Salle Hypostyle." Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte 54: 35-38.

Christophe, Louis A.
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1960 "La face sud des architraves surmontant les colonnes 74-80 de la grande salle hypostyle de Karnak." Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'archéologie Orientale 60: 69-82. PDF hosted by IFAO

Clark, Somers and Engelbach, R.
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David, Rosalie
1981 A Guide to Religious Ritual at Abydos. Warminster: Aris and Phillips.

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Epigraphic Survey
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1976 Narrative in Egyptian Art. Mainz: Phillip von Zabern.

Gilbert, Pierre                                                                                                         1942 "La conception architecturale de la salle hypostyle de Karnak." Chronique d'Égypte 34:169-177.

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Groenewegen-Frankfort, H. A.                                                                                   1951 Arrest and Movement: An Essay on Space and Time in the Representational Art of the Ancient Near East. London: Faber and Faber.

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Haeny,Gerhard                                                                                                             1970 Basilikale Anlagen in der ägyptischen Baukunst des Neuen Reiches. Beiträge zur ägyptischen Bauforschung und Altertumskunde 9. Wiesbaden: Otto Herassowitz Verlag.

M. G. Hasel                                                                                                                   1994 "Israel in the Merneptah Stela," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 296: 45-61. PDF on JSTOR

Heinz, Susanna Constanze                                                                                           2001 Die Feldzugsdarstellungen des Neuen Reiches: Eine Bildanalyse. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Helck, Wolfgang                                                                                                     1976 "Die Systematik der Ausschmückung der Hypostylen Halle von Karnak." Mitteiligungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Abteilung Kairo 32: 57-65.

Kitchen, Kenneth A.                                                                                                     1979 Ramesside Inscriptions Vols. 1-2. Oxford: B. H. Blackwell.

1993-1994 Ramesside Inscriptions, Translated and Annotated: Translations Vols. 1-2. Oxford: B. H. Blackwell.

1999 Ramesside Inscriptions, Translated and Annotated: Notes and Comments Vols. 1-2. B. H. Blackwell.

Kuentz, Charles                                                                                                           1928 La Battaille de Qadesch. Memories de l'Institut Français d'Archeologie Orientale 55. Cairo: Institut Français d'Archeologie Orientale.

Legrain,Georges                                                                                                           1929 Les temples de Karnak. Bruxelles: Vromant and Co. PDF on CFEETK site.

Ling, Ted                                                                                                                1992 "Ramesside Filial Piety." Bulletin of the Australian Centre of Egyptology 3. 59-66.

Lurson, Benot                                                                                                          2003 "Israël sous Merenptah ou le Sort de l'Ennemi dans l'Égypte Ancienne." Estrangers et Exclus dans Le Monde Biblique: Colloque International a l'Université Catholique de l'Quest. Angers. Les 20 et 21 Février 2002: 45-62. Anger: Université Catholique.

Manuelian, Peter Der                                                                                               1998 "Digital Epigraphy: An Approach to Streamlining Egyptological Epigraphic Methods." Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 35: 97-113. PDF on JSTOR

Murnane, William J.                                                                                               1975 "The Earlier Reign of Ramesses II and His Coregency with Sety I." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 34: 153-190. PDF on JSTOR

1976 "The Earlier Reign of Ramesses II: Two Addenda." Göttinger Mitzellen zur Agyptologische Beitrage 19: 41-43.

1977 Ancient Egyptian Coregencies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. PDF

1990 The Road to Kadesh. Second edition revised. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. PDF

1994 "Egyptian Monuments and Historical Memory: New Light on the Ancients 'Uses of the Past' from the Great Hypostyle Hall at Karnak." KMT: A Modern Journal of Egyptology (Fall: 1994): 15-24 and 88.

1995 "Ramesses I and the Building of the Great Hypostyle at Karnak Revisited." Varia Aegyptiaca 10: 163-168.

1996 "Reconstructing Scenes from the Great Hypostyle Hall in the Temple of Amun at Karnak." Essays in the Honor of Prof. Dr. Jadwiga Lipinska: 107-118. Warsaw Egyptological Studies 1. Warsaw: National Museum.

2001† "A Forest of Columns: The Karnak Great Hypostyle Hall Project." KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt 12 no 3: 50-59.

Murnane†, William and Brand, Peter J.                                                                   2004 "The Karnak Hypostyle Hall Project: Preliminary Report (Seasons 1992-2002). Annales du Service des Antiquitiés de L'Égypte 78: 79-127. PDF

A. The Great Hypostyle Hall Project in the Temple of Amun at Karnak, Vol.1, Part 2. The Wall Reliefs: Translations and Commentary. Forthcoming.

B. The Karnak Hypostyle Hall Project Volume II. The Gateways. Forthcoming.

Nelson, Harold H.                                                                                                         1949. "Certain Reliefs at Karnak and Medinet Habu and the Ritual of Amenophis I." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 8: 201-232, 310-345. PDF on JSTOR pp. 201-232;

1981 The Great Hypostyle Hall at Karnak Vol. 1. Part 1. The Wall Reliefs. Edited by William J. Murnane. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Rainey, A. F. and Yurco, F.                                                                                     1991 "Which Picture is the Israelites?: Anson F. Rainey's Challenge and Frank J. Yurco's Response," Biblical Archaeology Review 17, no. 6 (November/ December,: 54-61.

Redford, Donald B.                                                                                                  1986 "The Ashkelon Relief at Karnak and the Israel Stela." Israel Exploration Journal 36: 188-200.

1992 Egypt, Canaan and Israel in Ancient Times. New Haven: Princeton University Press.

Rondot, Vincent                                                                                                         1997 La grande salle hypostyle de Karnak: Les architraves. 2 vols. Paris: Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations.

Rondot, Vincent and Jean-Claude Golvin                                                                 1989 "Restaurations antiques à l'entrée de la salle hypostyle ramesside du temple d'Amon-Rê à Karnak." Mitteiligungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Abteilung Kairo 45: 249-259.

Roth, Ann M.                                                                                                          1983 "Some New Texts of Herihor and Ramesses IV in the Great Hypostyle Hall at Karnak." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 42: 43-53.

El-Saady, Hassan M.                                                                                               1992 "The Wars of Sety I at Karnak: A New Chronological Structure." Studien zur Altägyptische Kultur 19: 285-294.

Schwaller de Lubicz, R.A.                                                                                             1999 The Temples of Karnak. New York: Innter Traditions Ltd.

Seele, Keith C.
1940 The Coregency of Ramses II with Seti I and the Date of the Great Hypostyle Hall at Karnak. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Simons, Jan Jozef
1937 Handbook for the Study of Egyptian Topographical Lists Relating to Western Asia. Leiden: E.J. Brill.

Singer,Itmar                                                                                                                 1988 "Merneptah's Campaign to Canaan and the Egyptian Occupation of the Southern Costal Plain of Palestine in the Ramesside Period," Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 269: 1-10

Sourouzian, Hourig
1989 Les Monuments du Roi Merenptah. Mainz: Phillip von Zabern.

Stager,L.                                                                                                                       1985 "Merenptah, Israel and the Sea Peoples: New Light on an Old Relief," Eretz Israel 18: 56-64.

Traunecker, Claude                                                                                                 1972 "Aperçu sur les dégradations des grès dans les temples de Karnak." Cahiers de Karnak 5: 119-130.

Wreszinski,Walter                                                                                                         1923-28 Atlas zur altägyptischen Kulturgeschichte. 2 parts. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs.

Yurco,Frank                                                                                                                 1986 "Merenptah's Canaanite Campaign," Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 23 (1986), 189-215.

1990 "3,200-Year-Old Picture of Israelites Found in Egypt," BAR 16, no. 5, (September/ October 1990), 20-38.

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