Vestibule North Wing
Plates 233-243
Plate 233 (B354) - Sety I offering to [divinity]
Plate 234 (B361) - Sety I presenting ointment to divinity with goddess
Plate 235 (B362) - Sety I presenting Maat to Ptah, with Sekhmet
Plate 236 (B368-369) - Sety I pouring a libation before a divinity (left, B368) and
offering incense to goddess (right, B369)
Plate 237 (B370) - Sety I offering lettuce to ithyphallic Amun-Re
Plate 238 (B371) - Sety I presenting ointment to Amun-Re
Plate 239 (B377) - Sety I kneeling before Khonsu
Plate 240 (B378) - Sety I offering a bouquet to ithyphallic Amun-Re
Plate 241 (B379) - Sety I presenting flowers to Amun-Re, with Mut
Plate 242 (B380) - [Sety I kneels and presents ointment] to Re-Horakhty and Iw.s-aA.s
Plate 243 (B385-386) - Fragmentary scene (left, B385a); Sety I before Amunet (middle,
B385) and before Amun-Re and Khonsu (right, B386)