South Wall East

Plates 77-86

Plate 77 (B119) - Ramesses II presenting a hecatomb to Amun-Re, with Neith

Plate 77 Plate 77 Plate 77
Plate 77 Plate 77 Plate 77
Plate 77 Plate 77 Plate 77
Plate 77 Plate 77 Plate 77
Plate 77 Plate 77 Plate 77
Plate 77  PLate 77  Plate 77 
Plate 77  Plate 77  Plate 77 
Plate 77  Plate 77  Plate 77 
Plate 77  Plate 77  Plate 77 
Plate 77 Plate 77 Plate 77
Plate 77 Plate 77 Plate 77


Plate 78 (B120) - Ramesses II being led into the temple by Monthu and Atum

Plate 78 Plate 78 Plate 78
Plate 78 Plate 78 Plate 78
Plate 78 Plate 78 Plate 78
Plate 78 Plate 78 Plate 78
Plate 78 Plate 78 Plate 78
Plate 78 Plate 78 Plate 78
Plate 78 Plate 78 Plate 78
Plate 78 Plate 78 Plate 78
Plate 78 Plate 78 Plate 78
Plate 78 Plate 78 Plate 78


Plate 79 (B121) - Ramesses II receiving years of reign and jubilees from Theban Triad, while Thoth inscribed the king’s name on leaves of Ished-tree

Plate 79 Plate 79 Plate 79
Plate 79 Plate 79 Plate 79
Plate 79 Plate 79  

Plate 81 (B122a-c) - Ramesses II presenting Maaat to Amun-Re (right, B 121a), offering wine to Mut (middle, B 122b), and offering incense to Khonsu (left, B 122c)Plate 81

Plate 82 (B122d-f) - Ramesses II offering white bread to Min (right, B 122d), offering flowers to Amunet (middle, B 122e), and offering wine to Monthu (left, B 122f)Plate 82

Plate 83 (B122g-i) - [Ramesses II] before Re-Horakhty (?) (right, B 122g), offering flowers to Shu (middle, B 122h), and offering four cups to Tefnut (left, B 122i)Plate 83

Plate 84 (B122j-m) - [Ramesses II] before Geb (right, B 122j), offering incense to [god] (B 122k), offering [to god] (B 122l), and offering incense to Isis (left, B 122m).Plate 84

Plate 85 (B122n-o) - Ramesses II offering wine to Sobek (right, B 122n), and offering flowers to three divinities (left, B 122o)Plate 85

Plate 86 (B122p) - Ramesses II offering to two deitiesPlate 86

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