Voting Leave Information

The University of Memphis encourages employees to exercise their right to vote. As a reminder, based on Policy HR5025 - Leaves of Absence, employees who are registered voters may receive time-off to vote on Election Day if there are less than 3 hours between the start and end times of their work schedule and the time the polls open or close, provided such time-off is requested before 12:00 pm (noon) the day before the election. The supervisor has discretion to specify if the time-off needed to vote should be before or after the employee’s working hours. Examples are:

  • Employees who work from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. only have 2.5 hours between the end of their work time and poll closing time; therefore, they may take 30 minutes off for voting.
  • Employees who work the following shifts have more than 3 hours between work time and poll opening/closing time; therefore, they would not get voting time:
    • 6:00 am to 2:00 pm
    • 7:30 am to 3:30 pm
    • 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm
    • 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Please note that under Tennessee law, University employees are prohibited from using state resources to engage in political activities. Specifically, it is unlawful for any employee to engage in the following acts:

  1. Displaying any campaign literature, banners, placards, streamers, stickers, signs or other items of campaign or political advertising on the premises of any building or land owned by the state on behalf of any party, committee, or candidate for political office.
  2. Wearing lapel buttons, stickers, hats, t-shirts or other items advocating for or against a particular candidate.
    Using any University facilities, including equipment such as computers or telephones, and University vehicles for political advertising.
  3. Using the institution’s email system to send messages in support of, or against, any particular candidate or party.
  4. Actively engaging in political campaigns, attending political meetings, or performing political functions of any type during the employee's regular working hours.

The permissible uses of state-owned University property or facilities for political activity include:

  1. Meetings or preparation of campaign activity in support of, or against, any particular candidate or party if reasonable equal opportunity is available for presentation of all sides or views, or reasonable equal access to the buildings or facilities is provided all sides.
  2. University faculty may engage students in discussions about campaigns and elections, provided the discussion is relevant to the course curriculum.
  3. Employees may display campaign decals or bumper stickers on their personal vehicle while parked on state property.
  4. Students and visitors may wear campaign lapel buttons, stickers, t-shirts, etc. on campus.

If you have any questions, please contact us at hr@memphis.edu.

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