Staff Scholarship & Fee Waiver (formerly PC-191)

You must have registered for class within the official designated period before submitting educational benefit forms.

Fall Term forms are available July 15 - November 30
Spring Term forms are available December 1 - March 31
Summer Term forms are available April 1 - July 14

  • Participant must meet requirements for admission and are subject to institutional and academic regulations.
  • Applications should be submitted at least two weeks prior to fee payment deadline for the term.
  • University service fees are waived; therefore, no student privileges are extended.
  • Special course fees such as, Art, Business, and Engineering fees are the student's responsibility.
  • TN eCampus course fees and UofM online course fees are covered under the Fee Waiver (formerly PC-191) but NOT the Staff Scholarship.
  • Participating institutions include The University of Memphis, other TN Board of Regents institutions, and University of Tennessee schools.
  • With departmental approval and an adjusted work schedule, an employee may take one course during normal work hours under either the Staff Scholarship or the Fee Waiver (formerly PC-191) program.
  • In accordance with Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 127, up to $5,250 of graduate course tuition per calendar year paid and/or waived under the educational assistance programs is eligible for exclusion from the employee's gross annual income. However, any amount paid/waived under the educational assistance programs that exceeds $5,250 in a calendar year is subject to taxes and will be included as taxable income in Box 1 on your W-2. The University of Memphis will withhold FICA and Med-FICA (Social Security) tax only from these payments. The employee will be responsible for any federal withholding regarding this additional income.

Staff Scholarship

  • Eligibility
    • Regular full-time and part-time staff employees employed by the University a minimum of six months as of the first day of class
    • Faculty may audit courses under this program (PLEASE NOTE: Supervising Teachers receive the same benefit as staff employees.)
    • Retirees with 10 or more years of service
    • The status of an employee on the published first day of classes for each term determines eligibility for participation in this program. Any change in status after the first day of classes shall not affect eligibility for that term of the amount of assistance received
  • Program Benefits
    • Six hours per term for full-time employees; three hours for part-time employees
  • Penalties
    • If employee fails to successfully complete a course or courses paid by this program, to regain eligibility, employee must pay for and successfully complete the same number hours dropped, withdrawn, or failed

Fee Waiver (formerly PC-191)

  • Eligibility
    • Regular full-time employees including faculty
    • The status of an employee on the published first day of classes for each term determines eligibility for participation in this program. Any change in status after the first day of classes shall not affect eligibility for that term of the amount of assistance received
    • These employees may use one waiver in each of the Fall and Spring terms and up to two waivers in the summer, in separate parts of the summer term
  • Program Benefits
    • One course per regular term (Fall, Spring, 1st & 2nd Summer)
    • Fee waiver courses are approved for enrollment on a space available basis only; therefore, University & Student Business Services establishes a registration start date under this program. See that office's calendar for dates and deadlines.
  • Penalties
    • None

The Process

Online Application for Staff Scholarship OR Fee Waiver (formerly PC-191)

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