Welcome to Human Resources!

The Department of Human Resources supports the University's mission of teaching, research and community involvement. We are a committed workforce that maintains a diverse body of dedicated faculty and staff who promote the University's core values. We serve as business partners for the University community by consistently championing relevant and meaningful HR issues that address the growing needs of our dynamic institution. We encourage innovation and initiative on HR policies, processes and practices in order to deliver a timely and creative approach to leading a diverse and engaged workforce.

Departmental Information

Mailing Address:
165 Administration Building
Memphis, TN 38152

Office Hours:
Monday thru Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Phone: 901.678.3573  |  Fax: 901.678.1650  |  E-mail: hrservicecenter@memphis.edu  |  Send Us Files Securely

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