Part-Time Faculty Hiring

This page provides all forms and information regarding the hiring of part-time faculty, including summer part-time hires.  New applicants for part-time instructor positions apply electronically through WorkForUM. Anyone who has not taught within the past two years is considered a new applicant and must complete the electronic application.

All part-time faculty appointments and re-appointments are processed electronically. 

To initiate an appointment or re-appointment, staff in the employing departments access electronic forms and instructions through the E-Contracts Reference & Bookshelf

For questions, contact Faculty Administrative Services at facultyservices@memphis.edu.

Semester Deadlines

Fall - August 1
Spring - December 1
Summer - 5th working day for May, June, July and August

Forms & Information

Part-Time Expenditure Summary Form
Extra Compensation for Instructional Purposes

Minimum Part-Time Faculty Salary

As of Fall 2024, the minimum rate of pay for part-time faculty at the UofM is $837 per credit hour. Various colleges may pay more than that minimum.

Lambuth New Part-Time Instructor Hires

  • New part-time instructors will apply via WorkForUM.
  • The Lambuth Dean will notify the Department Chair when there is need for additional part-timers.
  • Department Chairs will review applications and identify acceptable candidates in WorkForUM by changing the status to Recommend for Interview. The department will notify the Lambuth Dean that the recommended applications are ready for review.
  • The Lambuth Dean will review the acceptable candidates, make the selection, and contact the candidate. S/He will need the guest pass information for this step.
  • The Lambuth Dean will inform the department chair who will then indicate the selection in WorkForUM by changing the status to Recommend for Hire.
  • Lambuth staff will process the paperwork, including I-9, W4, and direct deposit.
  • Lambuth Dean or Associate Dean must communicate with Lambuth staff regarding hires, scheduling, and Dual Service Agreements.