Modified Campus Operations & Emergency Closing Information

This page is meant to relay information regarding modified campus operations and emergency closures to include crucial personnel, how to report leave, and pay guidelines in the event the University closes or shifts to modified operations due to inclement weather or emergency.

Emergency Crucial Offices and Positions

Certain offices and positions are considered crucial to the operations of the University even when the University is operating under modified operations or is closed. Emergency Crucial Offices and Positions refers to those offices and positions whose duties and responsibilities are necessary to ensure life safety services and/or critical operations of the University continue during an emergency, and may require employees to work remotely or onsite.

Department heads are responsible for ensuring essential and operational services are provided during inclement weather or emergencies and for identifying and informing employees in crucial positions of their responsibilities and expectations during the emergency modified operations or closing.

Remote Work During Modified Campus Operations

Employees who typically work onsite and who may fulfill their duties remotely will shift to remote operations. This does not apply to those crucial positions whose functions must be performed onsite.

Remote Work During Inclement Weather Closings

Per policy GE2007 Emergency Closings, employees with an approved alternative work arrangement should observe the same inclement weather and emergency closings as the central workplace.

Employees who typically work onsite and are considered emergency crucial during a specific University closure who may fulfill their duties remotely may be allowed by their supervisors to do so. This does not apply to those crucial positions whose functions must be performed onsite.

Compensation During Modified Operations

Emergency Crucial Employees who report onsite will be paid as follows:

Non-exempt crucial employees:

  • Regular pay for the number of hours they would have worked, plus
  • Additional pay for the number of hours worked as an emergency crucial employee. These hours should be reported as straight overtime, except that the number of hours actually worked over forty (40) during a workweek should be reported as premium overtime.

Exempt crucial employees:

  • Regular pay for working on the emergency closing day.
  • Earn additional leave for the number of hours worked as an emergency crucial employee (in accordance with normal leave accrual rates). This additional leave will not be credited to annual or sick leave hours and is not payable as terminal leave or upon separation of employment. Leave hours must be taken within the fiscal year they are granted.

Compensation During Emergency Closings

Emergency Crucial Employees

Non-exempt crucial employees will be paid as follows:

  • Regular pay for the number of hours they would have worked, plus
  • Additional pay for the number of hours worked as an emergency crucial employee. These hours should be reported as straight overtime, except that the number of hours actually worked over forty (40) during a work week should be reported as premium overtime.

Exempt crucial employees will be paid as follows:

  • Regular pay for working on the emergency closing day.
  • Earn additional leave for the number of hours worked as an emergency crucial employee (in accordance with normal leave accrual rates). This additional leave will not be credited to annual or sick leave hours and is not payable as terminal leave or upon separation of employment. Leave hours must be taken within the fiscal year they are granted.

Non-Emergency Crucial Employees

Employees (non-exempt and exempt) will normally receive regular pay for the number of hours they would have worked. These hours should be reported as “Emergency Closing” hours on the leave report or time sheet.

Department heads and supervisors may contact Human Resources at hr@memphis.edu for additional guidance and questions.

*These guidelines apply to eligible leave-accruing employees only. Temporary employees, student workers and non-exempt graduate assistants who are asked to work during the University’s closing will only be paid for the hours actually worked.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What are modified campus operations?
    Modified campus operations are temporary delays or suspensions of university operations due to emergencies or unusual circumstances that could potentially endanger students or employees. This may include remote work options and limited campus activities.

  • During modified campus operations, am I expected to report to work?

    In the event the University moves to modified campus operations, employees will transition to remote work. Employees who are considered emergency crucial may be required to report to work onsite to perform critical campus operations. Employees should check with their supervisors for clarification on their specific situations.

  • We are in modified campus operations and my functions cannot be performed remotely and I am not considered emergency crucial. What steps should I take?
    Employees whose functions cannot be performed remotely, should contact their supervisors for alternative remote assignments, professional development opportunities, and/or project work. You should not report onsite unless your functions are considered emergency crucial.

  • What is an emergency closure?
    Per University policy, the University may close during otherwise normal operating hours because of inclement weather or other emergency conditions (e.g. natural disasters, major utility failure, or other reasons). The safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors will remain the primary consideration. The President of the University or their designee may cancel classes and/or close offices at the University due to inclement weather or other emergencies.

  • Will I still have to work even if the University is closed for an emergency?

    Department heads are responsible for ensuring essential and operational services are provided during inclement weather or emergency closings and for identifying and informing employees in crucial positions of their responsibilities and expectations during the emergency closing. Employees in crucial positions are to be available to report to work and/or work remotely depending on the nature of the position and/or responsibilities of their job during inclement weather or other emergency closing. In addition to employees identified as crucial personnel, there may be other essential and operational services that may have to take place based on the institution's needs at the time of the emergency closing, such as when there is a project deadline that cannot be modified and will cause risks, penalties or negative impact to the operations if missed. In this situation, the department head should notify employees in the unit that their functions are considered crucial during the closing and would, therefore, need to work (either onsite or remotely as appropriate) to complete the project deadline.

  • I have not been notified by my department head. Do I assume I am not considered an emergency crucial employee?
    Some positions are identified as emergency crucial and/or have emergency crucial related duties required as part of his/her position descriptions (e.g. police officers) and therefore may not receive additional communication from his/her department heads/supervisors. These positions are still considered emergency crucial. 

  • Is it possible to be considered emergency crucial during one emergency closure but not another?
    It is possible to have responsibilities crucial to the operations of the University during one closure and not the next closure. An example is payroll processing. One closure may occur during an active payroll processing period, therefore, requiring payroll employees to perform the required functions. One closure may occur during a non-payroll processing period and therefore not requiring employees to work during the closure. Department heads should review their operations at the time of the emergency and may need to adjust/notify employees accordingly.

  • I am an emergency crucial employee and my functions can be performed remotely. During a closure, can I work remotely or do I have to report onsite?
    Employee safety is a priority concern of the University, and supervisors should offer flexibility where possible. Any changes in the work location should be confirmed with the supervisor.

  • I am an exempt employee who worked during the emergency closure. I am not considered emergency crucial. Will I be able to use the number of hours worked at another time?
    No, only emergency crucial employees required to work during the emergency closure will have the option of using the number of hours worked on another occasion provided that the hours are used within the same fiscal year.

  • I am a faculty member with onsite courses. Am I required to teach remotely?
    The Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs & Provost has outlined expectations for teaching during emergency closures. Considerations should also be given to those (faculty and students) that may not have power and/or internet due to weather.

  • How do I track and report the additional leave I earn as an Emergency Crucial Exempt Employee during a closure?
    You should work with your supervisor to account for the additional leave and communicate with your supervisor when the hours are used.  A spreadsheet such as the one here may be useful.

  • Should temporary employees work during a University emergency closure?
    Generally, temporary employees should not work during an emergency closure. However, if a temporary employee is asked to work (either onsite or remote) during an emergency closure, that employee would report and be paid for hours worked only.

  • Whom should I contact with additional questions?
    Additional questions should be directed to Human Resources at hr@memphis.edu.