Honors College Student Travel Grants
The Honors College Travel Grants are designed to defray all or part of the costs for honors students to present their research at professional conferences. The grant amount is up to $500 per student traveling to a conference for the purpose of presenting a paper or a poster (abstract must have been accepted). The travel funds if awarded will be disbursed to the student’s mentor or department account.
Faculty mentors and/or their departments are expected to provide the remaining funds to support student travel and to indicate this support in the application and letter of recommendation. The student’s department manages processing travel with the university.
Application for funds must be made prior to conference attendance and payment. Travel awards are granted on a rolling basis.
- Students must be in good standing with the Honors College
- Students must be presenting, not just attending, the conference.
- Priority will be given to students who have not previously received travel funding from the Honors College
- A student may receive only one award per academic year.
- A student may be awarded a maximum of two travel awards during their time at the UofM.
Application Process
Application Materials
- Letter of Recommendation: In this letter, your faculty mentor must endorse your application for a travel grant and indicate the amount of funding that they and/or their department is contributing to your travel.
- Proof of Abstract Acceptance: This documentation verifies that your research project has been accepted for presentation at the conference that you plan to attend.
Application Submission
Please email the application materials to honors@memphis.edu.
Application Deadline: It is recommend students submit the application well in advance of travel to recieve funds in a timely manner. Application materials should be submitted no later than one month prior to travel.
Expectations of Recipients
- Work with your faculty mentor’s department to coordinate all travel related to conference attendance.
- Present your research either at Works in Progress Symposium (fall semester) or the Student Research Forum (spring semester)