Institute for Intelligent Systems

Faculty Mentor:  Dr. Andrew Olney

Faculty Mentor's Department:  Institute for Intelligent Systems

Contact: 901.678.5008;  aolney@memphis.edu  

Project Description: Students will work on AI projects involved conversational interfaces (e.g., Siri, Alexa, etc.) Multiple projects are available, ranging from entertainment to educational applications.

Requirements for Student Applicants: Ideal applicants will have some knowledge of a programming language. However, students with a strong interest in the topic are encouraged to apply even if they have no programming skills.

Application Process: Email Letter of Interest and Unofficial Transcript to Dr. Onley. 

Hours Per Week: 10-20

Start Date:  Immediately

Method of Compensation:  Volunteer or academic credit

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Leah Windsor

Faculty Mentor's Department: English/Institute for Intelligent Systems 

Email:  Leah.Windsor@memphis.edu

Project Description: The Languages Across Cultures lab explores how words can reveal patterns in the world across many domains - politics, the environment, interpersonal relationships, and beliefs - just to name a few. We convert words to numbers to examine frequencies and meanings. We also look at how different types of communication (acoustics/vocal sounds, gestures, facial expressions) complement words spoken. We use words from many languages to explore sociopolitical issues from sources like Twitter, public speeches, YouTube, etc. Students from many backgrounds and disciplines work in my lab; the methods we use are portable across academic fields. The two things needed for success are: 1. a curiosity about the world; and 2. a desire to learn new skills. 

Requirements for Student Applicants: Social Sciences (International Studies, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Economics); Humanities (World Languages, English, Linguistics, History); Engineering (Computer, Mechanical, Electrical); Physical Sciences (Computer Science, Mathematics/Statistics, Earth Sciences); Business (Marketing, Supply Chain Management).

Application Process: Email Dr. Windsor with interest. Interview required. 

Hours Per Week: 5-10

Method of Compensation:  Volunteer or academic credit

Start Date: Rolling

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Philip I. Pavlik Jr.

Faculty Mentor's Department: Institute for Intelligent Systems

Contact: ppavlik@memphis.edu

Project Description: The Optimal Learning Lab conducts research that involves theories of human learning and how to apply them in educational contexts.  More specifically, our current research projects include: elaborative study methods (concept mapping), text comprehension strategies, and spaced practice.

Requirements for Student Applicants: The student should have a 3.0 or above GPA, successfully completed PSYC 3010 (Research and Statistics I), and have an interest in cognitive psychology, education, or computer science.  Interested students should also be willing to commit a minimum of 4 hours per week to lab projects. (Note: Some projects may require more or less time; thus, a flexible schedule is an added benefit)

Start Date: Immediately

Method of Compensation: Volunteer or academic credit.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Andrew Tawfik

Department: Instruction and Curriculum Leadership

Contact Information: aatawfik@memphis.edu 

Project Description:The Instructional Design & Technology (IDT) Studio is a lab that is interested in the design, development, and evaluation of educational technologies. The Studio partners with schools and organizations within the community and helps them apply edtech in meaningful ways. This position would include data analysis, working directly with users, and possible multimedia development. In terms of scholarship, the students would be included on conference presentations and journal publications.

Requirements for Student Applicants: Multimedia development (e.g – familiarity with tools such as Adobe, iMovie, etc)

Application or Interview Process: Students should submit a brief letter of interest; Face to face interview

Hours per week the student will work: 20/week

Starting Date: Immediately

Method of Compensation: Volunteer

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