Phi Kappa Phi

Phi Kappa Phi Logo

University of Memphis (Chapter 121)

Phi Kappa Phi is a national honor society whose purpose is to promote the pursuit of excellence in all fields of higher education. The Society was first to recognize superior scholarship in all fields of study and to take into membership the highest-ranking students of sound character from all academic disciplines. The University of Memphis recognizes Phi Kappa Phi as the leading honor society in the University and acknowledges members of Phi Kappa Phi at Commencement exercises.



The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi offers numerous benefits and resources to assist members throughout their academic and professional lives.

  • Highly Selective Membership: Limited membership is offered to the top performing second-semester juniors, seniors and graduate students.
  • Upper class/Graduate Student Focus: Recognizes those who prove to be strong scholars throughout their academic careers.
  • Extensive Community: With more than 1.5 million members inducted since 1897, the Society includes scholars and professionals in just about every discipline imaginable.
  • Recognition and Rewards: New members attend an initiation ceremony on their campus and receive a personalized membership certificate and card and the official Phi Kappa Phi pin. They also may receive a personalized press release about their initiation.
  • Résumé Enhancements: Phi Kappa Phi logo graphics and verification letters are available to highlight your membership in the nation's oldest and most selective all-discipline honor society.
  • Award Programs: Members are eligible to apply for nearly $1 million in awards each year. The programs range from $35,000 Fellowships for graduate school to $500 Love of Learning grants for continuing education and professional development.
  • Member Discounts: Corporate partners, such as AT&T, Dell, GEICO, and Lenovo, provide valuable discounts and services to members.

More Information on Membership Benefits >


All candidates must be an outstanding student of sound character and currently enrolled as a full-time student at The University of Memphis. Your field of study may be in any discipline.

  • Juniors: Completion of 72 to 89.99 semester hours (24 hours at UofM) with a grade point average of no less than 3.70
  • Seniors: Completion of 90+ semester hours or more with a grade point average of no less than 3.50
  • Graduate: Completion of 18 graduate semester hours with a GPA in the top 10% of the class
  • Law: Registered full-time for the second year of work leading toward the Juris Doctor degree. Rank in the top 10% of the class.

Invitation for Membership

Membership in Phi Kappa Phi is by invitation only and requires nomination and approval by a chapter. A formal letter of invitation will be sent to eligible candidates.

To accept an invitation for membership, please go to the Phi Kappa Phi website for the University of Memphis and click "Join Now". You will need the access code provided in your invitation-to-membership to complete the membership form.

More Information >

Campus Coordinator

Dr. Melinda Jones
Director of the Helen Hardin Honors College

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