Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate

Faculty Mentors:  Prof. P.K. Jain

Faculty Mentor's Department:  Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate

Email Address:  pjain@memphis.edu

Project Description: Cross-disciplinary Bloomberg and Finance Big data Research with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Student will conduct high quality research and present it at (1) the FISC cross-disciplinary center of excellence https://www.memphis.edu/finance/research/fisc.php (2) UM teams that participate in Inter-university research competitions; there may be opportunities to participate in competitions and represent the University of Memphis. Teams have won first place in the world in recent semesters. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W7soqZ1ncuICYNVLo3TKE3FXEwI5mBwwF16MoEv7Rvo/edit?ts=5a20710f

Requirements for Student Applicants: Honors students and other high academic achievements, Excel. Students will be provided the opportunity to become Bloomberg certified during the Work study.

Hours per week: 20

Starting Date: Immediately

Method of Compensation: : Work Study Job (if eligible) or Volunteer

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