Electrical and Computer Engineering

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Eddie Jacobs

Faculty Mentor's Department:
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Contact Information: eljacobs@memphis.edu; 

Project Description: This project involves remote sensing and sensing technologies applied to problems in agriculture, environmental monitoring, and for security. Students participating in this project may be involved in using and developing Geographic Information Systems and Navigation/GPS systems, using models and simulations to design and analyze remote sensing scenarios, collecting remotely sensed data for agricultural, environmental, or military applications using sensors on small uncrewed arial systems (sUAS) aka drones, or the development of deep learning and machine learning algorithms for automatic analysis of data.

Requirements for Student Applicants: Majoring in any STEM field.

Application or Interview Process:
Email with declaration of interest and a resume. This will be followed with an in person interview.

Hours per Week the Student Will Work:

Starting Date:

Method of Compensation: Volunteer

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Chrysanthe Preza

Department: Electrical & Computer Engineering

Contact Information: cpreza@memphis.edu

Project Description:  Much research has been conducted in computational optical sectioning microscopy (COSM) - a technique used widely in microscopy for the non-invasive visualization of three-dimensional (3D) samples labeled with fluorescence dyes- over the years resulting in both open source (http://cirl.memphis.edu/cosmos/) and commercially available software. The goal of this project in Computational Imaging Research Laboratory (CIRL) is to develop new corrective methodologies for COSM that are suitable for imaging thick samples. Refractive index mismatch and heterogeneity within thick samples produce image distortions that worsen with imaging depth in conventional microscopes. These distortions not only reduce image resolution but also they result in image processing artifacts when the data are processed with algorithms (software) that are based on a thin-sample imaging model. The research is based on a novel and innovative approach that integrates computational development with a new imaging system design that includes structured illumination. Specific research includes 1) developing mathematical models that can accurately predict data acquired with the novel imaging system; 2) developing and testing model-based data processing algorithms to estimate accurate fluorescence concentration in 3D images; and 3) developing a software package for the user community. Performance and utility of the new methods is being tested on data from test objects and biological samples. Students selected for this project will have the opportunity to participate in different aspects of this interdisciplinary research based on student skills and interests.

Requirements for Student Applicants: Majoring in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, and Biological Sciences; GPA 3.0 or higher

Application or Interview Process: Unofficial transcripts

Hours per week the student will work: 10-20 hours/week

Start Date: Immediately

Methods of Compensation: Volunteer 

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Chrysanthe Preza

Department: Electrical & Computer Engineering

Contact Information: cpreza@memphis.edu

Project Description: Making the invisible visible: Engineering microscopes with deep learning To learn more about this project, view the PowerPoint here: https://www.memphis.edu/vip/teams/cirl_vip-info_slides1.pdf

Experience students will gain:

  • Understanding concepts in imaging techniques and imaging systems
  • Visualizing and manipulating 3D images
  • Collecting data using a microscope
  • Processing data using available software
  • Developing programming skills
  • Conducting simulations and data analysis
  • Understanding fundamental concepts in deep learning
  • Improving technical writing and presentation skills  

Requirements for Student Applicants: Majoring in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, and Biological Sciences; GPA 3.0 or higher

  • Application or Interview Process: Unofficial transcripts
  • Hours per week the student will work: 10-20 hours/week
  • Start Date: Immediately
  • Methods of Compensation: Volunteer of for course credit through the VIP program: https://www.memphis.edu/vip

Application or Interview Process: Unofficial transcripts

Hours per week the student will work: 10-20 hours/week

Start Date: Immediately

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