Civil Engineering

Faculty Mentor: David Arellano, Ph.D., P.E.

Faculty Mentor's Department: Civil Engineering

Contact Information: 901-678-3272, darellan@memphis.edu 

Project Description: The focus of the projects is to further evaluate the engineering properties of Memphis area loess soils. The general scope of work will include the following tasks: perform literature search, develop laboratory test program, perform lab testing, and summarize the literature search and lab test results in a paper summary.

Requirements for Student Applicants: Student with interest in civil engineering and/or earth science.

Application or Interview Process: Cover letter, a letter of reference from student's advisor or a faculty member familiar with student's academic work, and a copy of unofficial transcripts

Hours per week the student will work: Will vary throughout the semester depending on the lab testing program but will not exceed 20 hours per week. Methods of Compensation: Volunteer or Federal Work Study

Methods of Compensation: Volunteer

Start Date: Suggest that start date be early in the semester 

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