
Faculty Mentor:  David Horan

Faculty Mentor's Department:  Art

Contact Information: 678-2925; dhoran@memphis.edu

Project Description: I am currently working on a portrait series that combines my life-long interest in music and photography. The project involves making portraits of drummers, with their drumsets, in very unconventional locations; locations that have nothing to do with standard performances, such as landscapes, junkyards, rooftops, etc. While I'm still working through the exact "what's and why's" of the project, my basic intent it to co-opt the traditional role of the drummer as a member of "the rhythm section," and bring them front and center. I am photographing drummers who are well known, and those that are not, emphasizing the kindred spirit of musicians and artists, with a bit of tongue-in-cheek humor.

Requirements for Student Applicants: Student applicants need no previous knowledge of music or photography, only a creative interest in collaborative projects and an interest in visual research. Assistants will be responsible for scouting locations, researching drummer's backgrounds and interests, assisting during the portrait sessions, gallery contacts and exhibition installments. Students may be from any level of academic standing, but should have a 3.0 GPA.

Starting Date: Open

Method of Compensation:  Volunteer, or academic credit.

Application or Interview Process: Student applicants should email a letter of interest and intent, and two letters of recommendation to the faculty member. 



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