Admission to the Honors College

Application Process

To be considered for membership, applicants must be admitted to the University of Memphis and complete a separate application below for admission to the Honors College. The online application should take less than five minutes to complete.

Post Decision 

Students should be notified of their application status by the decision dates listed above via their University of Memphis email and/or by postal mail.

Mandatory Orientation 

All applicants admitted to the Honors College are required to attend a mandatory orientation before their status as an Honors student is made official. Accepted students will be sent the online orientation.  

Incoming Freshmen

Term Priority Deadline Decision Date
Fall July 1 August 1
Spring January 4 January 15

Admission Requirements:

  • 25 ACT or equivalent in other test
  • 3.25 high school GPA (unweighted)

High school seniors who do not meet the criteria can still apply to be considered for admission. A committee will review the application materials (essay, resume, transcript, and letter of recommendation) on an individual basis and send a notification when a decision is made. Interested students should email honors@memphis.edu for individual consideration.

New Freshman Apply Now >

Transfer Students

The Honors College invites transfer students to apply who meet the following admission requirements. The Honors College will accept Honors courses completed at a previous instiution with a "B" or higher toward the Honors College Program Requirements.

Term Application Period
Fall March 1 - August 1
Spring October 1 - January 4 

Admission Requirements:

  • 3.25 GPA College GPA
  • Students with more than 60 credit hours will be required to meet with an honors academic advisor to discuss pathways to completing honors graduation requirements.

Transfer Students Apply Now >

Current (Continuing) UofM Students

The Honors College invite current University of Memphis students to apply who meet the following admission requirements.

Term Application Period
Fall March 1 - August 1
Spring October 1 - January 4

Admission Requirements:

  • 3.25 GPA
  • Students with more than 60 credit hours will be required to meet with an honors academic advisor to discuss pathways to completing honors graduation requirements.

Continuing Students Apply Now > 


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