Undergraduate Research

The purpose of this database is to match students with researchers in all fields across the University of Memphis, and the surrounding Memphis area.


One way to find a research opportunity that interests you is to review the current postings in the Undergraduate Research Database below. This database contains a wide range of potential research experiences, including volunteer positions, paid positions, or academic credit. The postings include project descriptions, links to web sites with additional information, and contact information. The faculty who posted these opportunities have specified appropriate requirements for applicants (e.g., majors, class standing, competencies, etc.)

Good luck with your search for research opportunities! Please contact the Honors Office if you have questions.

Undergraduate Research Main Webpage > 

Undergraduate Research Database


University of Memphis faculty who need assistance with their research projects can request positions for undergraduate rsearch assistant(s) on the database. A request should specify appropriate requirements for applicants (e.g., majors, class standing, competencies, etc.).

Request Posting of Undergraduate Research Position >
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