National Student Exchange    

The Honors College coordinates National Student Exchange (NSE), which provides opportunities for undergraduates to study for up to one calendar year at another NSE member college or university.

With more than 150 colleges from which to choose, students can find a campus with just the right combination of courses, facilities, and environment to meet their personal academic interests. There are several funding plans for NSE study, including the opportunity to pay only UofM tuition while attending another school. 

Student Testimonies 

Get Started

Students are encouraged to select colleges and universities that will provide learning opportunities to supplement and complement those of your degree program and assist you in reaching your educational goals. It is also important to select campuses that will stimulate personal growth and development and allow you to experience the educational, geographic, and cultural diversity found among NSE's members.

Search NSE Schools >

Tuition & Fees

NSE utilizes two options for payment of tuition and fees. When you are a student on NSE Exchange you will pay resident tuition and fees to your HOST campus or your regular tuition and fees to your HOME campus. One or the other, not both.


Host Payment (Plan A) - student pays in-state (resident/provincial) tuition and fees directly to the host campus (and no tuition is paid to the home campus).

Home Payment (Plan B) - student pays their normal tuition and fees to their home campus (and no tuition is paid to the host campus).

Please Note: The availability of payment options depends on individual NSE schools. You can view availability on an NSE schools page under the section, "Chance of Placement"

Other Fees

  • Application Fee - $190
    • Payment is to be submitted with the online application. The fee is not billed until your application is finalized. The fee is non-refundable.
  • Miscellaneous Fees - Your host campus may have optional or mandatory fees, which are listed under the Tuition/Fees tab of their member campus profile.
  • Course-Related Fees - Students should expect to pay the host campus for books and other course-related fees (laboratory fees, supplies, field study, etc). Consult the host campus' website and/or course catalog for this information.
  • Maximum Course Load - Some campuses will charge additional per credit hour fees (on both A and B) beyond a certain number of credits. This information can be found under the Tuition/Fees tab of the member campus profiles.
  • Room and Meals - Most NSE campuses have on-campus housing available. Consult the Room/Meals tab of each member campus profile for estimated costs. If you choose to live off campus, you will be responsible for securing a place to live and covering those expenses.

How to Apply 


Students must meet the following criteria to apply for NSE:

  • Degree-seeking undergraduate (matriculating) student,
  • Completed of one term of full-time attendance (12 credit hours) prior to submitting an application,
  • Completed of one academic year (24 credit hours) prior to your exchange program,
  • Full-time enrollment at the time of application,
  • GPA of 2.5 (4.0 scale),
  • Good academic standing at the time of application,
  • No incomplete grades from previous terms,
  • No outstanding financial obligations,
  • No current or pending probationary status or disciplinary action due to academic dishonesty or student, civil, or criminal misconduct.

Application Process

  1. Interested students must meet with a Honors advisor to ensure they are clear on NSE options, requirements, finances and policies before submitting the NSE application.
  2. Students are to meet with their regular academic advisor to ensure their preferred NSE school fits their degree program along with professional and personal goals.
  3. Begin the online application, which will be emailed to you after you enter your UofM email address above and clicking "submit" on the NSE website. 
  4. Complete the following NSE application form. 
  5. Pay the $190 NSE application with the online application. The fee is not billed until your application is finalized. The fee is non-refundable.
  6. Submit the completed application form and application fee receipt to the Honors College by the deadline.

Begin NSE Application Process >


Priority Application Deadline 

Term Application Deadline
Fall 2025 February 24, 2025
Spring 2025 February 24, 2025

Please Note: It may still be possible to apply after the deadline if the preferred host school has available slots. You can view availability on an NSE schools page under the section, "Chance of Placement"

For more information and advising, please contact honors@memphis.edu.  

NSE Transfer Credit Request Process 

Transfer credit evaluations are completed when a currently enrolled University of Memphis student opts to take a course at another institution for credit. In this situation, the student is required to meet with his/her advisor to determine the course equivalency prior to registering for the course at the other institution.

Academic Advisor Pre-Approval Meeting

After you have met with a NSE coordinator and have narrowed down your program options to 1 to 4 host schools, you should meet with your academic advisor to discuss the following:

  • Best time to study away regarding your degree program requirements. 
  • What classes you will need to take the semester(s) you participate in NSE.
    • This will provide you with a guide to what classes you should be looking for at your host institution. 
  • Review the course catalog of your potential host institution(s) to determine what courses you will take at your host school.
  • Review the UofM Transfer Evaluation System (TES) for potential pre-approved course equivalents from your host school.

Transfer Credit Process

After you select your program and complete a Pre-Approval Meeting with your academic advisor, students must complete a Transfer Credit Request Form (TCR). The TCR form enables the courses you take at your host institution to transfer back to the UofM and count toward your degree program. Courses not listed on the Transfer Evaluation System (TES) should be approved by the student's academic advisor. 

  1. Students can access the TCR form online.  Please download the form and complete Section I and save the form to your computer.
  2. Once the form is completed and saved, it should be attached to an email and sent to the Admissions Office at admissions@memphis.edu. Please be sure to include copies of the course description/s that the student plans to take in the same email.
  3. The Admissions Office will complete Section II (course information table), sign and forward the form to the student’s academic advisor via email requesting his/her signature. The advisor is responsible for returning the form to the Admissions Office.
  4. A copy of the signed TCR is kept on file in the Admissions Office until the student’s transcript is received and credits can be posted to the student’s UofM record. A copy of the TCR is also sent to the student’s graduation analyst as well as to the student.
  5. Upon completion of study and official grades have been posted, students must request an official transcript from the NSE host institution be sent directly to the UofM Admissions Office.

Mailing Address:
Undergraduate Admissions
University of Memphis 
101 Wilder Tower
Memphis, TN 38152-3520

Please note: A TCR form should be submitted for each semester of study at the NSE host institution.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

For semester and year programs, all standard financial aid can be used towards your NSE program and tuition fees.

Host Payment (Plan A): Participant will receive their entire financial aid and scholarship package per the normal refund process and disbursement date and are responsible for paying the host institution tuition and fees.

Home Payment (Plan B): Participant's regular financial aid and scholarship package will be applied toward their normal tuition and fees per the normal process. Excess funds will be refunded to student by direct deposit or check. 

To use Federal Financial Aid, the courses that you are taking at the host institution must match your Course Program of Study (CPOS). This means that the courses must match your declared major/minor to be eligible for Federal Financial Aid. For more information about this requirement, please visit Financial Aid's CPOS website: CPOS >

Financial Aid & Scholarship Process

  1. Complete the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) to attain aid if you have not done so already for the academic year. Students are not to file for financial aid (FAFSA) through their host institution. Participants are to file through the UofM per the normal process.
  2. Meet with your academic advisor to ensure the courses you are taking at your NSE host insitution match your Course Program of Student (CPOS).
  3. Submit TCR form to the UofM admissions office (see process above).
  4. Hope Scholarship Recipients - Following confirmation of placement at NSE host institution, submit the NSE Hope Scholarship Form to the UofM Scholarship office located at 201 Wilder Tower.

NSE Hope Scholarship Form

For questions regarding financial aid, please visit the Enrollment Services Center (ESC) located at Wilder Tower 102 or email financialaid@memphis.edu.

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