Spring 2025 Events

The Honors College offers several ways for the UofM's best and brightest to get plugged into the UofM community.

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Social & Service Events

Welcome Back Breakfast - Thursday, January 23rd at 8am in Honors Hall

Resume Workshop - Tuesday, February 4th at 5pm in Honors Hall 

Superbowl Party - Sunday, February 9th at 5:30pm in Honors Hall 

Game Night - Thursday, February 20th at 5pm in Crews Center for Entrepreneurship

Pizza with the Profs - Monday, February 24th at 12pm in Honors Hall

Hobby, Craft, & Talent Night - Tuesday, March 4th at 5pm in Honors Hall 

Honors Night Out  - Wednesday, March 19th at 5pm at Crosstown Concourse

Dixon Gallery & Gardens Visit - Saturday, April 5th at 2:30pm at the Dixon Gallery & Gardens

Ghibli Movie  - Wednesday, April 16th at 5pm in Honors Hall in collaboration with SotJP

Research Events

Student Research Forum - Monday, March 24th in the University Center

NedxStudents - March 26th - March 27th; 2pm - 4pm in the Ned R. McWherter Library 2nd Floor Commons

Posters at the Capitol - Wednesday, April 2nd in Nashville, TN

National Conference for Undergraduate Research - April 7th - 9th in Pittsburg, PA