History Honors


The Honors Program provides the serious student of history an opportunity to pursue an individualized course of study while honing critical thinking and writing skills. History honors students interact more closely with peers and faculty either in special classes or through honors contract work. Students work directly with members of the faculty in independent reading courses and have close faculty supervision while writing a senior thesis of 30-50 pages.

Admission to the Program

The Honors Program in History is a two-year course of study open only to history majors. Normally a student will be admitted at the beginning of the first semester of the junior year. To be eligible for admission, a student must have:

  • Completed approximately 55 semester hours.
  • Completed six hours of lower-division history.
  • Maintained an inclusive grade point average of at least 3.25 and a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.25 in the major.

To apply, students must complete the first section of the History Honors Program Application and set up a meeting with the History Honors Program Director, Dr. Chrystal Goudsouzian.

A student who lacks the requisite grade-point average or is beyond the first semester of his or her junior year, but feels that he or she is nonetheless qualified for and able to complete the History Honors Program, may apply to the honors advisor, Dr. Chrystal Goudsouzian, for an exception. Applications will be considered in consultation with the History Undergraduate Studies Committee.

Content of the Program

Each student seeking Honors in History must fulfill the full requirements of the history BA program.

Students admitted to the honors program must also complete 15 hours of honors work as part of their degree requirements, which must meet the following stipulations:

  • Student must complete nine credit hours of honors work in upper-division history courses. These nine hours must be completed as specified below:
    • HIST 4012: Directed Readings/Honors. Students must complete at least one Honors Directed Readings course with a history faculty member. Students are usually required to take this course with the thesis supervisor, prior to enrolling in HIST 4996: Honors Thesis.  
    • HIST 4996: Honors Thesis. Students are required to complete the honors thesis under the direction of a history faculty member. Students are generally required to enroll in at least one semester of HIST 4012: Directed Readings/Honors with the thesis supervisor prior to enrolling in HIST 4996. 
    • The remaining three credit hours may be taken as an additional semester of HIST 4012: Directed Readings/Honors with any history faculty member, or in an upper-division history course with an honors contract that outlines additional honors-level requirements.
  • Student must complete six hours of honors work that may be taken at any level and in any department. 


Dr. Chrystal Goudsouzian will be the academic advisor for all history honors students. The program of each student, all contracts entered into between honors students and professors, and the topic and plan for honors papers are subject to the approval of the student’s advisor, in consultation with Dr. Goudsouzian and/or the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Retention in the Program

To remain in good standing within the program, the student must maintain a 3.25 grade-point average in history their overall studies, and they must make no grade below ‘B’ in an all honors course. Failure to maintain these standards during any semester may result in his or her being dropped from the program. If a student is dropped from the program, he or she may apply all honors credit earned toward fulfilling degree and major requirements.


The student who successfully completes the program and the regular B.A. requirements will have his or her degree conferred “With Honors in History.” The student’s diploma and record will be similarly endorsed.

University Honors Program

In order for the Department of History to track students’ honors credits, students enrolling in the Honors Program in History will be required to enroll in the University Honors Program, administered by the Helen Hardin Honors Program. History Honors students are not required to complete the University Honors Program in order to earn History Honors. If you do complete both honors programs, your diploma and transcript will show both distinctions.

For further information

Contact Dr. Chrystal Goudsouzian, 143 Mitchell Hall, 901.678.5339.

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