Online Degree Programs in History

The Department of History in the College of Arts and Sciences at The University of Memphis offers both the Bachelor of Arts in History and the Master of Arts in History online. Students are able to complete their education at a major university with the flexibility and convenience of an online environment. More than two dozen History Department faculty teach courses that cover all major geographic areas and time periods. The online programs particular strengths include U.S. History; Women, Gender, and Family; Asia; and Medieval Europe. Please use the links below for a complete listing of the online course catalog.

Bachelor of Arts in History Online

You may complete this degree entirely online by combining online courses with courses offered at the University of Memphis campus, or by combining University of Memphis courses (online and on campus) with a limited number of approved courses transferred from other institutions (see Bachelor’s Degree in History for more information).

As an online student, you will be advised by the Academic Advisor and Online Coordinator Amanda Lee Savage, aksavage@memphis.edu, 901.678.1677, 145 Mitchell. 

For information about your application, deadlines, and other questions prior to admissions, please contact the Office of Admissions. For questions regarding tuition and fees contact University and Student Business Services.  

Master of Arts in History Online

Students enrolled this program must complete all of their degree requirements online. Up to 15 credit hours earned at another university may be applied to the degree. The concentration in Ancient Egyptian History is not offered online (though we do offer an occasional online course in this field). For more information about our graduate program and the online M.A. in History, see Graduate Programs.

Dr Andrew Daily, 901.678.2868, 105 Mitchell, is the Director of Graduate Studies. See him for any matters relating to the graduate program in History.

To ask about forms, deadlines, check on the status of your application, and other such questions, contact the Graduate Secretary, Dr. Rosa Erika Feleg, 901.678.1366, 219B3 Mitchell.

For several years the UM Online MA in History has been ranked among the top 10 best colleges to pursue an online masters degree.

online ranking

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