The Master of Arts Degree Program

The Master of Arts program of study in history prepares students for a variety of careers. Students who regard the M.A. as a terminal degree usually elect to fulfill degree requirements by completing 33 hours of coursework (11 3-hour graduate-level courses) without writing a thesis. Many of these students go on to teaching positions on the secondary and community college levels; a lesser number enter government service; and some secure specialized positions in business, industry, and journalism.

Those students who want to pursue a career as a university faculty member or intend to work in some other field involving historical research and writing should look upon the M.A. program as preparation for a Ph.D. program. We recommend that such students write a master's thesis.

Click on items of interest in the menu to the left for detailed information about specific aspects of the program. The M.A. Program Overview offers a concise look at the steps you will need to take as you move toward degree completion.