Writing Center

The HERC's advisors and writing tutors are dedicated to working with history students at all levels, from those new to history courses and historical writing to our advanced history students in both one-on-one situations and group tutorial sessions. Any student taking a history class is welcome to come visit in-person or online through Upswing during the fall and spring semesters for consultation and assistance with crafting, editing, and/or revising history writing assignments. We are also happy to work with our fully online or Lambuth campus students via Upswing or over email.

HERC tutors can help students:

  • Define historical topics
  • Write thesis statements
  • Craft historical arguments
  • Interpret and use primary and secondary sources
  • Edit, revise, and/or rewrite papers
Advisors and tutors can also help with history-related applications, including scholarship, internship, job, and graduate school applications.

*For those students who cannot make it during these hours, please email one of the writing tutors for an appointment.

Before You Visit...

Please come prepared for your tutoring session.

  • Bring your assignment from your professor
  • Bring your sources (primary/secondary)
  • Bring any brainstorming or writing you have done in HARD COPY


Writing Center Worksheets

Critical Reading Form

Essay Planning Worksheet

Primary Source Worksheet

Paragraph Primer

Sample Turabian Paper

Secondary Reading Worksheet

Thesis Dev. Worksheet (pdf)

Turabian Citation Guide

Turabian Footnote Tips

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