History Educational Resource Center Information

Contact Us

HERC Director

Dr. Chrystal Goudsouzian

Dr. Chrystal Goudsouzian
Advisor/Undergraduate Advising Coordinator
Office: 143 Mitchell
Email: cdykes@memphis.edu
Telephone: 901.678.5339

HERC Advisor

Ms. Amanda Lee Savage

Ms. Amanda Lee Savage
Advisor/Coordinator UofM Global
Office: 145 Mitchell
Email: aksavage@memphis.edu
Telephone: 901.678.1677 

HERC Graduate Assistants

Courtney Marx

Name: Courtney Marx
Email: clmarx@memphis.edu

Center Hours: T/TH, 10-2
Virtual: W, 1-4; TH, 3-5 


 Name: Ellen Nikirk
 Email: enikirk@memphis.edu

Center Hours: M/F, 10-2
Virtual: M, 3-5; W, 10-1

HERC Undergraduate Assistants

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