History Educational Resource Center


The History Educational Resource Center

The History Educational Resource Center is the History Department’s comprehensive advising and study center. The HERC is dedicated to providing educational support, including academic advising, writing and study tutoring, internship opportunities, information sessions, and career and postgraduate counseling to all UofM students interested and/or taking courses in the field of history. The HERC is a student-centered space where students come not just to get degree counseling but also to get help with their history work and writing and to plan their futures. Staffed by two instructor/advisors and two graduate writing tutors, the center is an advising center, writing center, and student community and study center all in one. Come by for help with your history assignments or just to hang out in the space! We’ve got work tables, comfy chairs, couches, and a small computer/printing lab.


HERC Spring 2025

The HERC provides tutoring five days a week up through the end of finals week. Our current tutoring hours are:

On-Campus Hours

Monday: 10-2
Tuesday: 10-2
Thursday: 10-2
Friday: 10-2


Virtual Hours

Monday: 3-5
Wednesday: 10-4
Thursday: 3-5


You can access virtual tutoring and contactless paper drop via Upswing. A note on contactless paper drop: If you drop a paper through Upswing, you will get an edited draft back within 24 hours, except for the weekends, when our tutors are unavailable. If you drop a paper on Friday after 2pm, the earliest you will receive a reply is Monday morning after 10 am when the HERC reopens. If you are on a deadline, it is usually best to come by the center for help, if possible.


Virtual Tutoring/Contactless Paper Review

To create a virtual tutoring appointment through Upswing, first log in to the system and then click the "tutoring" icon. To find available appointments, you can either search for our tutors (Ellen Nikirk and Courtney Marx) or put in your course code (i.e. HIST 2010). Please be sure to schedule your virtual appointment at least 30 minutes in advance of the time you would like to meet. If you find that Madison doesn’t have tutoring hours that fit your schedule, an Upswing history tutor may be available to help you at your preferred time. You can also drop a paper in the "Assignment Review" section of Upswing at any time for our tutors to review. During the week, please give us at least 24 hours to return your paper to you with comments and suggestions. Tutors do not work on the weekends, so again, if you drop a paper Friday after 2pm, you will not receive feedback till Monday morning after 10am when the HERC reopens.

For additional Upswing information and video tutorials, please check out this link to our Educational Support Program's (ESP) Upswing page. If you have any trouble accessing the system and/or finding Ellen or Courtney within it, please reach out to Mr. Jamion McNeil, at jgmcneil@memphis.edu.


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