Contact information  

Campus location: 219 Mitchell Hall (3705 Alumni Drive)
Mailing Address: Department of History, The University of Memphis, Memphis TN 38152-3450
Telephones: 901.678.2515, 901.678.4097
Fax: 901.678.2720
E-mail: history@memphis.edu


Departmental contacts

(All offices are in Mitchell Hall) 
Interim Chair - Fall 2024
Dr. Sarah Potter  MI 111 spotter1@memphis.edu 901.678.2515
Dr Daniel Unowsky (On Leave, Fall 2024) MI 221 dunowsky@memphis.edu 901.678.3385
Administrative Associate      
Ms Karen Bradley MI 219A klbradly@memphis.edu 901.678.4097
Graduate Coordinator      
Dr Andrew Daily  MI 105 amdaily@memphis.edu 901.678.2868
Graduate Secretary      
Dr. Rosa Erika Feleg MI 219B3 refeleg@memphis.edu   901.678.1366 
Director of Undergraduate Studies      
Dr Ben Graham MI 107 bjgraham@memphis.edu 901.678.3392
Undergraduate Advising       
Dr Chrystal Goudsouzian, Director of Advising MI 143 cdykes@memphis.edu  901.678.5339 
Ms Amanda Lee Savage, Department Advisor MI 145 aksavage@memphis.edu  901.678.1677 
Online Program Coordinator       
Ms Amanda Lee Savage  MI 145 aksavage@memphis.edu  901.678.1677 
Dr. Rosa Erika Feleg MI 219B3 refeleg@memphis.edu   901.678.1366 
Ms. Amanda Lee Savage MI 145 aksavage@memphis.edu  901.678.1677 

How to find us

The departmental office is in 219 Mitchell Hall, 3705 Alumni Drive. Mitchell Hall is just to the south of the Administration Building and across the Alumni Mall from the University Center, grid E/F-11 on the online campus map.

Mitchell Hall

Mitchell Hall, home of the Department of History

If you are not familiar with the campus, a Google Earth image will show the location of Mitchell Hall at the tip of the green arrow, with enough of the surrounding area to place it in a recognizable context.

To get a closer and more helpful view you should adjust the zoom control one step at a time to give whatever degree of detail you desire. As with all Google Earth images, you may change the view to hide or show labels such as street or building names, change to a map instead of an aerial photograph, print the image, or e-mail a link to the map to yourself or others.

As an alternative, you may get an aerial photograph from Google Earth that shows Mitchell Hall and its surrounding area already at a fairly detailed zoom level. Mitchell Hall will be shown at the tip of the green arrow, as before. You may change this view in the same ways as described above.

If you are using GPS to locate Mitchell Hall, the coordinates are 35.117848, -89.938654 (35° 7' 4.2528" N, 89° 56' 19.1544" W)

The closest visitor parking is in the parking garage and metered spaces at 505 Zach Curlin, grid H/I/J-11 on the online campus map.

If you are not familiar with the campus, please consult the university’s Web pages for

You may wish to begin your campus visit at the Visitor Information Center at 3641 Central Avenue (901.678.2040), where short-term parking is available. The center can give you detailed map directions and information about the university and its programs.

To help you find your way around campus, the university’s online campus map will give you a photograph of any building on which you click.

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