Prerequisite Checking 

The University of Memphis and the Herff College of Engineering check to ensure students have the appropriate prerequisites for classes 2 weeks prior to the start of each semester.  Please note that if you have not fulfilled the prerequisite or you did not earn a passing grade (C- for all math, science and engineering courses, ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020) in the previous semester, you will be required to drop the subsequent course.  If you do not drop it on your own, we will administratively drop you from the course. 

Process Overview:          

1. The registrar sends the Herff College of Engineering a list of students who have not completed the appropriate prerequisite for the program’s courses. This happens each semester, two weeks prior to start of classes.

2. Departments will verify that the student actually does not have the prerequisite.

3. Departments will email the students as soon as possible asking them to withdraw from the class and meet with their advisor to add an additional class. A deadline to take action will be given, which at the latest, should be the Friday prior to Monday start of classes.

4.  If by the start of classes the student has not withdrawn, departments will administratively withdraw student early in the first week of classes.  Student will be informed via email.