Herff Academic Advising
Welcome Students!
Freshman students entering the Herff College of Engineering are advised by the College
Academic Advisor, Betsy Loe, or Luanne Donoghue, Academic Advisor I. They assist
students with class schedules and facilitate changes of major and other academic needs.
After students accumulate an appropriate number of hours, their advising will be transferred
to a faculty member in the department of their major. In addition to their advising
duties, Loe certifies graduation, and Donoghue is the Engineering Academic Coach.
>> Important Advising Information
Betsy Loe |
First-Year Parent Welcome Meeting Video
Advising Information
Once you have successfully completed MATH 1910 or a year at the UofM, then you will be moved to your academic department to be advised by a faculty advisor.
Current Students:
Please review your UMDegree and flow charts/four-year plans PRIOR to seeing your advisor. It is imperative that you understand your degree program. And are knowledgeable about what you need the following semester.
Please note: EECE students- you will need to follow the advising instructions for your department. Email EECE_Advising@memphis.edu for more information.
If you are assigned to Betsy Loe and not to a faculty advisor, you have the option of doing self-advising as long as you are in good standing with a 3.00 or above AND none of the following apply:
1. Student-athlete
2. Applied for Graduation
3. On academic warning or probation
To self-advise with Betsy Loe, please fill out the following form (attach link)
New Freshmen Students:
All first-time, full-time freshmen are required to attend a 2 day New Student Orientation in the summer prior to the start of their academic career. You can learn more about orientation at memphis.edu/orientation.
During the 2 days, you will meet in a large group setting to discuss and better understand the Herff College of Engineering degree requirements and expectations. You will have also an individual appointment, where you meet with one of our College Advisors. During the individual appointment, you will discuss any AP, IB, or dual enrollment credits, math placement, and select courses to take in the fall.
When you leave the two-day orientation session, you will be registered for the fall semester.
New Transfer Students:
All transfer students will initially meet with Mrs. Betsy Loe, egrear@memphis.edu. If you are further along with Math, then we may have you meet directly with the academic department. Transfer students can meet face-to-face, via email or via phone.
It is important to understand that your transfer credits may or may not be applied to your engineering degree at the UofM. We will look and discuss. Often a transfer student will be asked to provide a syllabus or course description of a class so that the department can determine if we can count the course towards your engineering degree at the UofM.
When you come for your advising appointment, it is helpful to bring a copy of your previous transcript in case we don't have it on file yet.
Check out the links below to learn more about the advising process! The FAQs section addresses how to use Schedule Builder, UofM Degree, general education requirements, how to drop a class, and more.